Article Archive

How The Heck Did Jor-El Find Earth?

A question of Kryptonian proportions.

Can I Just Talk About Some Books I’ve Liked Lately?

Unless we’d all rather just keep on being upset. I guess that’s fine too.

Your Favorite Character Might Not Always Agree With You

A tough lesson, but we’ll get through it together.

Comics and the Significant Other

Or, when a nerd finally gets what they want

Comic Shots #20 with Ryan Haupt: Rogue’s Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout and ‘Kill Shakespeare’

Shall I pair thee with an oat-y ale? Thou art just as quaff-able as readable.

Why Wolverine Would Avoid IPAs

Some days all of your passions combine in an unholy mess.

One Way To Reduce Piracy: Improve The LCS Experience

Except the shops that don’t suck, they’re fine.

Marvel’s Mutants Have A New Villain… And It’s Marvel

And the Brotherhood of Evil Corporate Attorneys

Art Deco Superheroes Remind You of The Original ‘Metropolis’

That thing you didn’t even know you needed until you had it in your hands.

2012 Comics Predictions

So exclusive it doesn’t even exist yet!