WB Releases Hi-Rez Pics of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern

Warner Bros. made the collosal blunder of releasing that first Green Lantern trailer with unfinished CGI. As a result, they've been battling negative buzz for months. Battling negative buzz is an uphill battle. But now the CGI must be finished, or near finished, because the Green Lantern floodgates have opened.

First there was Wonder Con, where 12 minutes of footage were shown (4 minutes of which were released on-line) to generally positive reviews. Now Warner Bros. has released three hi-rez images of Ryan Reynolds in the CGI-created Green Lantern costume.

My prediction? There are going to be a lot of comments about the feet.

Me, I really like the costume. I think that using all-CGI for the suit is a bold and innovative choice. If, as in the comics, the costume is not something that Hal pulls out of closet, but is instead a construct of the ring, then why not use the tools that are available and actually create a costume that looks like is made out of light? It makes perfect sense to me and I really dig it, both in concept and execution. This is one of the instances in which film can do things that the comic book page can't — it can actually portray luminescence in a convincing manner.

Are the feet a weird choice? Yeah, kind of, but only because we're not used to seeing super hero toes. If the idea of the suit is that it's wrapped around the body by the ring, then it makes sense that the feet are visible. And who's to say that we'll ever get a long, sustained look at the feet in the film itself? Still images and moving images play a whole lot differently.

Of course, if you're taking the concept of the suit to its logical conclusion then the feet shouldn't be the only visible thing.


There's a lot riding on this one for Warner Bros., and where once I was aprehensive, I have to say that I'm really looking forward to Green Lantern.


  1. Conor, did you turn your head to the right when you coughed?

  2. This is so amazing!  Still very excited to see this

  3. “ring cover my shame!”

  4. Yeah, I kind of wish these hadn’t been full body, because now all I see is the feet. But I thought the same thing on first viewing that it would likely not be that noticeable in the film.

  5. Well at least he’s wearing protection.

  6. (Mask still looks totally crap though.)

  7. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    And this little piggy went whee wheee wheeee! All the way to sector 2178. 

  8. Ditto on the mask.  There is so much going on through out the rest of the costume, that a flat green mask looks out of place.

  9. Oh, it’s ok… The wondercon stuff looked pretty good so I’m down with it all so far.  I won’t hate.  Whatever the fans really bust on, they will just remove in the next movie so it’s cool.

  10. From the studio that brought you “R-rated” blue penis, “PG-13 rated” green smooth groin.

  11. @marshak75  Like George Clooney!

  12. the head’s still look pasted on to the bodies, esp in the first one. Maybe its the lighting. It will prob be fine
    The feet are weird but i agree with Conor…maybe its cause we haven’t seen it before kinda thing? Kinda makes logical sense.  

  13. I’m sure the costume will grow on me. 

    I’m still having trouble seeing Ryan Renolds as Hal Jordon, but I’m sure I’ll accept that as well in time.

  14. @powerdad  No trademark Hal Jordan sidepart in the hair.

  15. looks good. don’t complain.

  16. Can’t shake how goofy those feet look.

  17. @ResurrectionFlan  That’s a good point.

  18. Hate the feet. That looks dumb. I saw a guy wearing a pair of those “barefoot sport shoes” (whatever they are called) in a restaurant the other day. Gross. I could barely eat. That’s what these look like.

    This makes NOT logical sense. If you had shoes on when you had the ring make your costume, wouldn’t your feet in the costume then resemble your shoes? Or do you have to remove your shoes before activating the ring costume? “Just a sec, let me remove my boots before we fight, bad guy!” Or does it destroy your shoes when it makes the costume? “Crap, those were Versace! Next time I’m wearing house shoes!”

    Or do you have to be completely nekkid? Can the ring not handle clothing? “Hang on Sinestro, I’ll stop you as soon as I undress!”

    I can only assume the reply would be something like, “Jordan, I do not fear seeing your junk, but that doesn’t mean I want to see it.”

    I also think the mask SUCKS. The eyes look so… big. With such tiny pupils. I would prefer all white with no pupil. Or how about just normal? Looks like those damn goth kids at the mall with the Marilyn Manson contacts. And now I’ve lost my appetite AGAIN.

  19. The problem is the mask. It makes him look like Ben Stiller.

  20. Just out of curiosity, how would all of you guys fix the mask? Cause as far as I can tell it looks pretty similar to how it does in the comics… And it’s certainly not always consistently drawn the same shape around the edges in the comics.

  21. @lmiller31  Something about the shape is odd visually, I wish they just glued a regular one to his melon, it just doesn’t seem like it is stuck to same plane as his face for me.

    It also doesn’t cover his nose which kind of leaves the whole secret ID thing wide open but whatever, I bet he won’t wear it for 95% of the movie though because the studio wants you to see the actors face. “That’s why we’re paying him ain’t it?” i.e. end of Spider-Man, Iron Man, everyfreakingsuperheromoviewheretheirmaskgetsrippedofffornoreason.

  22. I like the construct costume and I’m fine with the mask but I have to admit – the toes look weird.  I don’t think something like toes will have a negative effect on the movie but it strikes me as a strange design choice.

  23. “Hal, do you smell something?”
    “No Carol. What do you mean?”
    “It’s like some parmesan turned.”
    “Look, a giant green boxing glove!”

  24. If you can see the fingers it makes sense that you can see the toes. The design is totally logical, given it’s a construct. The CG doesn’t look “really-real” to me, but then again, neither would spandex and styrofoam.

  25. If it’s a construct can’t he make shoes as easily as slime toes though?

  26. Probably. But with that logic, they could be clown shoes, too. I’m just saying that [edit – I starting typing out this long-ass ramble about the theoretical logic of the alien technology, whne I realized I was being that guy, so I stopped.]

    Maybe Jordan is wearing Vibram Five Fingers underneath this super-togs. 

  27. @srh1son  I believe the expression for this should be Going the Full Watchmen, or in the case of the Green Lantern movie they chose not to.

  28. The mask looks a whole lot better in the video. There has to be something about the nature of still photography that makes it stick out like that. I don’t think it will be a problem in the film.

  29. Conor, Warner bros already learned their lesson about CG *cough*

  30. im still hoping that hal will tell the ring to change the costume to resemble earth fabrics. so anyways, not really digging the suit.

  31. While I’ll admit the mask looks a little strange in the still photos, but in the footage itself I think it looks great, as does the whole costume. I’m impressed with WB thinking outside the box on this one, though yes the feet are somewhat odd.

    I just hope they learned their lesson releasing unfinished CGI in a trailer for a film composed mostly OF said CGI.

  32. The feet are pretty weird.  Also the white behind the logo seems a bit out of place.  Maybe they could have left out the background.

  33. LIke the costume and the logic behind it.  Feet look weird.  I’m not losing sleep over it, though.  Those four minutes of Wonder-Con footage were pretty sweet.

  34. I saw a billboard the other day with these new shoes where you can see your toes. Like they designed it so you can wiggle your toes while you wear them.

    …..That’s what I got when looking at this costume! That’s gotta be awkward to look at when your trying to fight the most vile villain the galaxy. Other then that though this is a much better version of the costume then the original, unfinished one. 

  35. Green Lantern’s aqua sox are today’s Bat nipples.

  36. Specifics about the mask? First, I don’t like the eyes. The tiny pupils and big whites make it look like he’s high on vicodin – got those pinpoint pupils. Or like a 6-year-old’s drawing. Or like Beavis doing Cornholio. In fact, the hair is kinda tall like Cornholio too. Too bad he isn’t blonde – “I AM THE GREEN CORNHOLIO! I DO NOT FEAR YOUR BUNGHOLE!”

    Also, the shape of it is weird. It doesn’t cover his nose, and exposes a lot of his forehead. It just doesn’t cover much.

    But I guess it doesn’t look like Ryan Reynolds and makes him look like Ben Stiller or someone, so I guess it’s doing its job. Did they CGI more of his face to make him look a lot different?

  37. @OttoBott  “If you can see the fingers it makes sense that you can see the toes”

    If he were barefoot, then sure. We don’t wear shoes on our hands, so I would expect to see the fingers. But I can’t see my toes through my shoes. I am not wearing flip-flops today. Maybe Hal is a big flip-flop guy.

    Now, if he were wearing mittens or oven mits, all bets would be off.