Top 5: Star-Spangled Heroes (Besides Captain America)

When you think patriotic heroes, who's the first one that comes to mind. For most everyone it's Captain America. But just as there's fifty stars in the flag there's more than one patriotic hero hailing from the United States. Here's the five finest to wear the stars and stripes; keep in mind that the U.S. is a democracy, so vote for your own in the comments section!


5. The Shield

Okay, so maybe the recent DC revival didnt' do well — but that doesn't stop the Shield from being a great character. He's no Captain America rip-off — he came out over a year before Marvel's super soldier, and Cap's first shield was based on the Shield.


4. American Maid

Although she didn't make her debut until The Tick animated series, American Maid made an impact on this writer and on the Tick's world. She teamed up with Tick and Arthur on occasion, and was arguably the most competent supehero on the slapstick show.



3. SuperPatriot

I admit it. When Savage Dragon first came out in 1992 I liked the Dragon's supporting character the SuperPatriot much more than the star. He ha sone of the most interesting and unique origins out of all patriotic soldier-turned-superhero stories, and he's been lucky enough to have an uncommonly great number of talented creators work on his miniseries.



2. American Flagg

If Captain America was a hero for the Greatest Generation, then Reuben Flagg was that for the excesses of the 80s. A former stand-up comic and Skinemax-style TV star turns into a cop for a future Earth. Captain America might be the hero you want, but Reuben Flagg just might be the character you need.



1. Uncle Sam

Captain America may be the most popular comic hero, but Uncle Sam is this country's oldest — sort of. Originally created in political cartoons of the 1800s, he was co-opted for comics back in 1940 — by none other than Will Eisner. His debut in National Comics #1 shows the top hat-wearin' hero mounting an enemy plane and cold-cocking a pilot — with help from a boy no older than 8 taking out another pilot. He's gone on to be a member of the Justice League and leader of the Freedom Fighters.


  1. Super Patriot is really trying to say alot with that star on his crotch.

  2. I miss the good Chaykin of American Flagg.

  3. Uncle Sam is so badass. I love that his signature pose is rolling up his sleeve, like he’s about to hand down an ol’ fashioned Southern whuppin’.

    Wish I liked any of the other Freedom Fighters so that I could read his exploits on the regular.

  4. Oh! I also nominate Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.

  5. I have some ooooold The Shield comics. Got them on a whim at an LCS backstock because the covers made me laugh so. I just can’t get over that outfit.

  6. Is the Shield gassing those krauts? Or is that a tiny flamethrower? Judging from the look of joy on his face, I’m gonna go with tiny flamethrower.

  7. Don’t fuck with Uncle Sam, kids.

  8. No Stargirl ??

  9. Man, I loves me some SuperPatriot. Good old Johnny Armstrong. If Cap were made a cyborg, this is what he’d be. I thought they did a good job of humanizing him in the minis, definitely worth a read.

    And Uncle Sam keeps the pimp hand strong!

  10. I’m not seeing the American Maid pic… What gives?

  11. What about U.S. agent? He has US in his name!

  12. Superpatriot!  My fave from the birth of Image.

  13. I’m shocked Super Patriot isn’t more popular then he is. Also, I tried reading that Shield (DC) comic once and I literally fell asleep reading it. That’s how boring it was.

  14. It’s a shame that the Shield revival book didn’t do well, the art and storytelling were fantastic. One of the best comics to come out last year.