Top 5: Science Laboratories in DC Comics


5) Project Cadmus

Project Cadmus brought us the Golden Guardian and DNAliens! Writers eventually stopped using Project Cadmus probably because it’s a terrible name for laboratory. It was stripped down for parts and sold off to the highest bidder. The Guardian was literally sold to a newspaper.



4) S.T.A.R Labs

S.T.A.R. Labs is used more frequently, especially if a team needs funding that doesn’t have any millionaires on it. They bankrolled the Teen Titans for a while and then The Outsiders as well. This caused struggling teams like Night Force to constantly complain “When are we getting some of that S.T.A.R. Money?”



3) LexCorp

Lexcorp once gave everyone, who could afford it, super powers. Then Lexcorp took back all those powers.



2) Oolong Island

During the series 52, a giant, talking egg kidnapped a bunch of mad scientists and forced them to work on his island. This “Science Squad” included Dr. Sivana, Will Magnus, T.O. Morrow, Veronica Gale and a whole slew of other obscure DC characters. It was awesome.



1) Wayne Enterprises

Obvious choice for number one. Wayne Enterprises not only funds everything Batman does but it also owns the DC Universe. It’s bigger than Apple and Microsoft combined. The CEO is Lucius Fox who can save any failing business. Now, I want to see the book about the corporate espionage between Wayne Enterprises and Lexcorp.


  1. Poor Cadmus. You know times are tough when a newspaper is buying you.

  2. Cool topic. This got me thinking to Marvel’s equivalent list. I could only come up with four:
    — Baxter Building
    — Tony Stark’s Garage
    — ESU Science Lab
    — Horizon Labs

    A.I.M and Hydra have bases where science goes on, but it’s not like they are public about it.

    • Project Pegasus

      Black Panther’s Wakanda lab was pretty swank bank in his early appearances, though I don’t know the last time it was actually featured in a comic.

    • er, swank *back* (though a swank bank sounds like it might be pretty awesome or extremely creepy)

    • Dr. Doom’s Secret Bases (remember when he had a fleet of scientists put the Purple Man in a prism, and broadcast his power all over the world?), Dimension Z, Dr. Corbeau’s Sun Lab, Dr. Banner’s SHIELD lab, the Weapon X program, Hank Pym used to get up to some crazy shit in Avenger’s Mansion but I don’t know where he experiments now…doesn’t he have a microverse lab or something?

      But yeah, Baxter Building has to be number 1.

  3. That 52 cover is a masterpiece.

  4. Oh man, what about Braniac 5’s lab in LOS? Love Brainy.