Top 5: DC Superpeople with Military Ranks NOT Captain

5. Major Disaster


4. General Glory


3. Major Force


2. Commander Steel


1. General Zod


Ryan Haupt supports our troops. He also supports science every week with his podcast Science… sort of.


  1. Good idea to give the more senior officers their due. (Makes you wonder why none of the captains are getting promoted.)

    Also, Colonel Computron.

  2. Don’t they know they can get into big trouble for impersonating an officer??

  3. Okay, so not a superhero but surely Sgt Rock should get a honorary mention

  4. Nothing says Major like purple and gold.

  5. I’d put Red Hulk up there. 

  6. Commander Cold leader of the Renegades (The “Rogues” of the 25th Century) would be a good addition.

  7. Yay! Major Disaster!

  8. Can anyone ever be better than Major Woody??  I saw Major Disaster in an issue one time and I was like, “What is this guy’s deal?  Is he the Anti-Captain Atom??”

  9. DC/Red Circle Shield has a rank of Lieutenant.

  10. No love for General Eiling?

  11. What, no love for Major Bummer?  Okay, okay, me neither.  Just thought I would name drop. 
  12. No no no.  Marshall Law is number one.

  13. I have failed.  Didn’t read the title of the article before I spouted off.  Still, maybe someone who hasn’t heard of Marshall Law may now check out his books.

  14. @ultimatehoratio  What’s the fail? Marshal is a military rank (I think sometimes spelled with two l’s.)  Is he not superpowered? 

  15. @ultimatehoratio  Nevermind.  Not DC. Yep. Fail.

  16. I can’t even spell Marshal right!  (I had too much fish today.  Mercury poisoning.)

  17. My eyes are in massive pain after seeing General Glory and Major Force.

  18. I know it’s an not a military rank, but I feel like I should just remind everybody that KGBeast actually exists.

  19. @ultimatehoratio  Mercury gets a bad rap.

  20. I was going to complain there was no love for the enlisted folks here….but I can’t think of many super people with enlisted ranks.   Sgt Rock doesn’t  have powers (though maybe you can make a case for Sarge Steel’s metal hand I guess?)