Top 5: Comic Book Cops

5. Christian Walker

It's very possible the world will soon know how cool Christian Walker is. As a powers brought down to earth, the former superpowered immortal is now just a cop trying to do the best he can on his broad, broad shoulders. I like how Walker is quiet and calm, and unassuming. But he knows the score more than most.


4. Dan Turpin

A former Boy Commando created by Jack Kirby, Turpin was a hell of a cop, policing the mean streets of Metropolis. OK, they weren't all that mean, but those villains were formidable, even with Superman helping out.


3. Judge Dredd

I mean… he is the law, right?


2. Barry Allen

There are a lot of costumes out there who did their stints as cops. There's Martian Manhunter, Misty Knight, Human Torch, Nightwing, but Barry Allen? He's real police. It's who he is, and it will always be a major part of the character. Dude was on the job when he had his little accident too!


1. Jim Gordon

You find me a better, more honorable, tougher, smarter cop, more devoted to his beat, and I'll take up residence in Arkham. Jim Gordon is the best, and you know how we all know that? Batman trusts him.


  1. I would have added Capt Stacy and Jean DeWolfe to the list over Dredd, he is in fact a Judge.

  2. Solid list.  Jim Gordon HAD to be number one.  Makes me want to go read (reread) Gotham Central.

  3. You gotta put Nick Fury in there even though he ain’t street level.

  4. Barry Allen is a surprising inclusion. He sticks out as a “lab geek” amongst the others. Renee Montoya surely deserves a mention for a litany of reasons.

    @tomdpimp: “Judges” in Dredd’s world are cops with added judicial powers, so they’re probably the most efficient cops possible! 😉

  5. This whole list could have featured characters from Gotham Central.

  6. Awh come on, no Robo Cop?

  7. Frank. Curtis.

  8. @ThomasKaters  Over Barry? You’re nuts.

  9. no love for Savage Dragon? or Renee Montoya?

  10. Frank Curtis is rolling out of cars and kicking down doors. Turtleneck sweaters and beards.

  11. @lifesend  Agreed, this list should have been Gotham Central from top to bottom.

  12. Of course…It has to be Jim Gordon.

  13. I know he is new, but how is Axe Cop not on this list!? 

  14. Another honorable mention to Officer Downe.

  15. I guess Marvel’s a lawless universe where do-badders run amok and crime scenes are tampered with. basically, the MU is the LAPD.

    Good choices, though. Can’t argue too much.

  16. @Its0for0the0best I agree whole-heartedly. I thought Axe-cop before I even opened the article. 

    Though I think the Gotham Central crew desreve an entry as a whole.  That was my second thought as the page loaded up. 

    But Kudos for Gordon as top cop, no disagreeing with that.


  18. @Its0for0the0best  YES!

  19. Not a big fan of Barry on here- I mean- yes he works for the police- but like a consultant works for a company.  He never walked a beat never arrested anyone- he’s a scientitst in a lab- I feel

    other than that solid list- You can not argue  with the top spot.

    Glad you put Turpin on there.

    My other notables- even though you had Gordon- Bullock seems like cop- donut pounding/coffee slurrping cop.

    Hal Jordan is Always going on about how he’s a Space cop(glad you didn’t list him)

    And isn’t Stever Rogers the Top Cop?  (I hate that term too)


  20. I’ve always had a soft spot for Harvey Bullock ever since the “A Bullet for Bullock” Detective Comics story that became a Batman animated series episode, so disappointed not to see him here, but a nice list.

  21. Rick Grimes?  Not a lot of his policework is shown, admittedly, but a great character.

  22. I would put not just Jim Gordon as number one, but Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon as number one. He is, in my eyes, the epitome of the character & I can’t read Jim’s speech bubbles in a comic without either hearing Oldman’s voice as him.

  23. Does Tony Chu count as a cop?

  24. It’s weird that Marvel doesn’t have any real cops in their universe. The only one I can think of is Captain Stacy.

  25. Jean dellwolf and captain stacy was robbed @ tombpimp

  26. For a brief second, I saw “Jim Gordon”, completely forgot that he was Commissioner Gordon and had a mild freak out. But, order was restored when I looked at the picture. I don’t disagree with any of these listings (or the order, for that matter)

  27. Not a bad list at all. Can’t argue with a Judge being on this list.

    The one cop who I would of put on this list is the one cop I look forward to reading about again:

    Detective Richard Fell, Snowtown.

  28. Honorable Mention:  Lucas Bishop of District X

    There may have been issues with the series and the character is now completely off the rails, but I did like the series.  It was good way to explore mutants who weren’t good looking and had crappy forgettable powers.

  29. to be honest I was expected Hal Jordan to be number one with Gordon at 2. And yeah i think George Stacy should be on there somewhere. Still nice list with some broad choices

  30. Axe Cop!

  31. @stasisbal @ericwilder –  That’s right … officer downe and axe cop needed mentions.

  32. I dont even know who Dan Turpin is.

  33. @AmirCat  Final Crisis, for starters.

  34. @AmirCat  He’s the guy who got killed, on screen, by Darkseid in Superman TAS. 

  35. @MisterJ  AND (basically) in Final Crisis.

  36. I’d have to say…
    5: Richard Fell
    4: Tony Chew
    3: Axe Cop
    2: Judge Dredd
    1: Dashiell Bad Horse

  37. I thought I was your favorite cop that bought comics, but honestly great list. Gordon is tge best choice as someone that has worked up through the ranks. Give me the beat cops such as Dick Grayson in blud haven or Jim Harper. What a great scene in Dc Legacies with Jim Harper walking down the street twirling his baton. An interesting top 5 might be service men (women) next memorial day.

  38. And I know she wouldn’t make the top 5, or even top 20, but guess who else is a cop

  39. I gotta throw my hat in for both Axe Cop and Jan DeWolff.  Also, as much as I love Walker… He’s not the greatest cop.  Most of his cases he doesn’t even resolve, they either escalate way out of control or end in more murder.

  40. Barry Allen isn’t even a cop!