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Name: Dutch Moonlander


goonfan12's Recent Comments
June 9, 2011 8:53 am if this is legit, I say fire up the Uncanny X-Men retrospectives and let's give this title the send off it deserves.  if this is another attempt to re-shuffle and re-number, I'm going to be quite put out.  the X-Men aren't going to disappear, obviously, but losing Uncanny from the title line is like trying to watch the Bulls without Michael Jordan in the 90s.  just doesn't feel right.
May 24, 2011 9:44 am I was pretty satisfied with last issue.  I really felt like this is a chance for a title to have a "major event" (Age of X) that actually has some impact on the title itself after it ends - which unfortunately doesn't always happen as the the formula seems to be blockbuster event, awkward but tidy wrap up, never mention it again.  all of the characters are dealing with living a lifetime in a week and the memories left over, and it seems like Carey is giving it the time it's worth in letting a great story arc linger beyond its requisite marketing campaign.  definitely looking forward to this one.
May 24, 2011 9:30 am no love for Savage Dragon? or Renee Montoya?
May 19, 2011 10:45 am so, I didn't mention this yesterday because my mind went to baseball, as it typically does.  But I am a high school geography teacher.  These maps are just making my week, and they WILL be used next year in some way.  thanks for posting these.
May 18, 2011 3:11 pm @wallythegreenmonster  I've literally spent the last hour working on that based on this map (don't tell the principal this is how one of his teachers uses his prep period).  Here's what I have so far:

Green Lantern - Oakland A's
Green Arrow - Oakland Raiders
Teen Titans - split between 49ers and SF Giants.
Black Canary - Seattle Supersonics (and bummed that they no longer exist)
Martian Manhunter - Colorado Avalanche (I don't know why, but I assume MM loves hockey)
Swamp Thing - New Orleans Saints
Wally West - KC Royals
Barry Allen - St. Louis Cardinals (this is how the world works if all is perfect and beautiful)
The Question - Memphis Grizzlies (is anyone a Grizzlies fan in real life?)
Elongated Man - KC Chiefs
Hawkman - Detroit Lions
Hawkwoman - Michigan Wolverines
Batman - NY Jets
Superman - NE Patriots (count this among the various reasons I don't care for Superman)
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) - Chicago Cubs
Plastic Man - Chicago Bulls

Have I forgotten any?  That took way longer than I probably should have let it.

May 18, 2011 2:18 pm If anyone hasn't read Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics," you should.  There are some other great pieces out there, too, that get to the point, but McCloud uses graphic illustration to show that what makes comic art unique is the combination of word and picture.  sometimes we see whole books printed with no dialogue on purpose, and sometimes it's done well (Goon #33), sometimes not so well (Fantastic Four #588 - glug).  but what actually makes graphic storytelling good is the interdependence between word and image, that neither can tell the complete story alone.  so I suppose in this case, if you can't understand the Superman issue without the words, then the form is being executed pretty well.  and maybe that's what bothers me quite often with Bendis's work - so much dialogue that the pictures are, as you say, merely superfluous talking heads.  not always avoidable in scenes of necessary dialogue, but there are definitely creative ways of getting around it.
May 18, 2011 2:02 pm and even though I always imagined Central and Keystone City's being somewhere in the Midwest, PLEASE tell me the Flash family doesn't identify as KC Royals fans.  That's more than my fragile heart can take.  Go Cardinals.
May 18, 2011 1:54 pm There actually is a Metropolis in southern Illinois, right about where Hub City is placed on this DC map.  I drive through it when I head back to my hometown every once and a while.  Big statue of Superman in the town square.  Even if that statue counted as a person, the town's population would be about 12 people though, so don't miss it if you go looking for it.
May 17, 2011 8:05 am wait a minute, is the @robguillory the ACTUAL rob guillory here?  wow.  um.  big fan.  to all reading, Chew is the best book on the shelves right now.  issues like this that play around with the conventions of story-telling are exactly why.  the world Layman has imagined and the art Guillory gives to bring it to life make every issue worth reading several times.  glad to see this got pick of the week over the blockbuster stuff floating around out there.  hooray for Tony Chu.
May 11, 2011 3:07 pm I definitely dig the above suggestions of Neil Patrick Harris playing Flash.  The Flash is my all-time favorite, and since I don't imagine we'll see any of the gay heroes make it to the big screen in a big way any time soon, it would be outstanding to see an openly gay actor take on the role.  Still, thinking of Bradley Cooper in the crimson cowl seems right as rain to me.  I have a feeling the casting of Iris would become a typical insert-attractive-woman-here, so I can't imagine that will be highly debated.  I will say though that I don't care for the idea here of including a Gorilla Grod or Captain Cold casting in a Flash film.  Something that the latest movie-hero exploits have given us is a less campy transition from printed books to big-budget flicks.  My fear with either Grod or Cold is a violent shove back to camp that movies like Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man and now Thor have been doing well to get us all away from.  The Rogues, in general, are a fairly silly bunch of villains (which in comic form, I've eaten up with pleasure since I was 10).  Maybe the ones that would translate well to a screen adaptation though are Mirror Master, the Trickster, or possibly even Heatwave or Abra Kadabra.