NEW Daredevil & Punisher Creative Teams To Be Announced at C2E2

As the excitement around the next comic convention, C2E2 in Chicago, builds, Marvel added to that excitement by sending over the below teaser images, promising to unveil the new creative teams on Daredevil and The Punisher.  Both books will be relaunching with a new #1 issue and a star studded creative team, or so Marvel has promised.  The announcements will occur on Saturday, March 19th, at the Cup O'Joe panel at C2E2 at 5:30 PM CST. 



Now there's been some speculation around the web as who the new creative teams will be, but until Marvel announces at the panel, we won't know for sure.  Who do you think it may be? 


  1. BleedingCool said the teams were:
    DD – Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera
    Punisher – Greg Rucka and Marc Checcetto (I can’t remember how to spell his name.) 

  2. an annoucement teaser for an announcement? I hope these creative teams are good then.

  3. Well The Punisher one is, cant say much for the Daredevil one.


  4. If BC holds the cards, I’ll be quite happy to see Rivera on DD interiors. That DD creative team implies a little less grit, grim and noir and more superheroics. Not a bad idea. Rucka on Punisher seems smart. His Kodiak novels clearly give him an edge to produce some great stuff here. Personally, I would wish it were Rucka/Rivera on DD, but I’m not going to complain if all this holds up.

  5. Yeah, saw those teams (allegedly) revealed on Bleeding Cool this morning. If so, those are two really interesting choices. Waid’s written so many different super-heroes — I’ll get curious what sensibility he brings to a more street level character like DD. maybe something like his “Potter’s Field” comic?

    And Rucka on Punisher — I wouldn’t have picked it, as Rucka tends to write more thoughtful protagonists, not one-track-mind killing machines… but that could actually make it really interesting. Maybe something akin to his Wolverine run at Marvel?

    That’s IF the rumors are true, of course. 😉

  6. If those names from Bleeding Cool are correct, that’s pretty interesting.  I had been hoping that Nick Spencer would be on one of these characters–I’d be very interested to see his take on the Punisher.  He seems like someone who would have an interesting approach to the character.

  7. Punisher #1, is this volume 8?

  8. @andybmcd  wow not surprised bleeding cool is ahead of other websites

  9. If the rumors are true about the writer of PUNISHER, I may actually pick that one up. I haven’t actually bought any Punisher comics since 1993.

  10. If Bleeding Cool is right about the teams….I have no interest. Sorry, I like Greg Rucka and Mark Waid but I don’t see them as writers for those respective books.

    I’m sure it’s just a rumor though so we’ll see if it actually pans out. 

  11. @TheNextChampion  Would you imagine Rucka as a writer for Wolverine? Cause he probably wrote my favorite Wolvie stories.

    To steal the Nolan phrase, “I Believe in Waid.” I haven’t read his older stuff, but everything from Irredeamable to now has been amazing.

  12. Hype ! Hype ! Hype !
    …good thing i am an 8 year old and happen to be susceptible to such ploys. 

  13. @NextChampion I’m with you there.

    I could care less about Punisher, I just personally don’t enjoy him.  Rucka is interesting and I hope he makes boat loads of money, but I honestly am not big Rucka guy, I respect him but he just isn’t for me.

    I wish Aaron was writing DD. I love DD and wish it didn’t become what it became after Brubaker left, quality wise. I think Waid will do a fine job, but I honestly want to see Waid do more creator owned stuff or go back to Legion, no interest in his Marvel stuff.

  14. @JeffR  I’m with you on that… Punisher is generally a kind of one-note character. Fun for a bit, but it wears out quickly. But Rucka’s very interested in the complicated morality of characters — I could see that bringing a whole new emphasis to the Punisher character. I admit — I’m intrigued.

  15. @daccampo  Exactly. I trust Rucka enough to believe the guy would bring some depth to Castle so that I would be interested in reading about the Punisher. I’m curious to see how Rucka would do that.

    This is, of course, still all predicated on the rumor he’s going to be writing it. We shall see!

  16. What I’m concerned about is the prices.  I’ll buy either book with these creative teams…at $2.99.

  17. Daredevil is a book I would buy almost regardless of the creative team, I want him back! Diggle did great with the actual DD issues and Reborn has been very enjoyable, it’s a shame he won’t have a normal run, but I’m interested to see who will be writing it regardless.

  18. Uh, my LCS received Marvel promo posters this week confirming these teams (without any kind of gagging order either!).  They used the Alan Davis art that I think was released a while back.  And I’m sold on both these teams.  Waid might bring a nice fresh swashbuckling element to DD, and I find it hard to believe Rucka would take on Punisher without something new to say.  Should be good.

  19. @MegaPhilip  I’ve actually had the opposite reaction.  I completely lost interest in the Diggle run about 4 issues in.  Having said that, I still got the books.  I agree that it’s hard to NOT buy a Daredevil book.

  20. If the rumors are true I will probably check out the DD book, depending on price.  The Punisher never holds my interest so it doesn’t really matter who’s writing that.  I’m somewhat surprised they’re launching a new Punisher series so soon.

    So I guess the reverting to original numbering thing didn’t last too long.  We have Captain America, Daredevil and Thor all getting new #1’s.  Now, part of me thinks they are just numbers and the stories are what matters.  But another part thinks, boy is it annoying how these numbers jump all over the place.

  21. If these rumors are true, I would definitely pick up that Daredevil comic. I love Mark Waid. I’ve never read anything by him that I didn’t enjoy. He has a great track record. I think his Fantastic Four run was the best stories on that title since john Byrne did it in the 80s. His Spider-Man is fantastic. Irredeemable is one of the best super hero comics going today. I would read almost anything he wrote.

    Punisher is a character I have almost zero interest in. He just makes no sense to me. The guy is probably the biggest mass murderer in the history of the Marvel U, yet he still walks around free? If he really killed that many people, he would have been taken in immediately by one super-hero or another.

    No matter HOW well trained he is, no matter what his equipment might be, the fact is, he is still just a normal guy. Captain America would eat him for lunch. Sider-Man could capture him in about 12 seconds. Almost any super-hero team could defeat him in the blink of an eye. The Fantastic Four can fight off The Hulk and GALACTUS, they cant stop Punisher? The Avengers can defeat world shattering Gods, I’m sure they could defeat a guy with some guns in one page. Hell, even POWER PACK could take him down in one issue.

    That being said, the ONLY way i would EVER be interested in reading a Punisher book is if greg Rucka wrote it.