New Comics for 06.22.2011 would get the dishes done in record time

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Conor has the Pick!

Bonus Question: Let's say that the Guardians of the Universe came down from Oa to give you a Green Lantern ring… Hurray! Oh, wait–there's a catch. You can't use the ring to right crime, or travel into space, or do anything extraordinary. You can only use it to aid in the mundane tasks of every day life. What would you use the ring to do?


  1. USM #160 is polybagged. Oh dear.
    Wolverine w/Jason Aaron is probably my favorite comic right now.

    BQ: In brightest day, in blackest night; I’m gonna use a crapload of constructs to mow the lawn. 

  2. I would use the ring to make a virutal contruct of Kari Byron to do all my house hold chores for me.

  3. Most looking forward to Rocketeer Adventures #2.  Pretty much everything else is lame duck DC or a Flashpoint tie-in experiment (if there is a difference).

    BQ: Use the lantern battery to plug in my laptop, make some kind of shiatsu massager or back-scratcher, & make a big green sign saying “Dear Oans, WTF?”

  4. No Flashpoint tie-ins on Conor and Josh’s pulllists this week?

  5. Zatanna, Green Arrow and Deadpool.

    BQ: Use the ring to keep my RSS feeds updated and correct. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  6. BQ: Have it to all my law school citations. And probably organize my longboxes and bookshelves.

  7. Slow week, but then again June is a pretty bad month for comics. Also also then again, August/September is going to be hell.

    Batman: Gates of Gotham #2, Deadpool, and Thunderbolts

    BQ: Yard work. Can’t stand doing it especially with the shitty mower we have. 

  8. I would use my ring to construct a very nice reading area for my Flash comics! Very pluch couch, little fridge and snack bar, and a table for my books.

  9. Flashpoint books are pretty much the only DC book worth reading now, everything else is going to be wiped away anyway.

  10. BQ: Housework, chores, maintenance and the like. Who cares about fighting crime and righting wrongs? I’ve got dishes to wash, clothes to fold and lawns to mow!

  11. @IroncladMerc The second part of that sentence? False. Patently false.

    I’ve only got the two Ultimate books this week. But Gates of Gotham has me on the fence. I definitely want to read it, but it seems like an ideal story to trade wait on. 

    BQ: A team of contractors to remodel my bathroom for me. 

  12. BQ:  Just as the commercial suggests, I’ma use my power ring to make Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!!  Mmmmm… Who knew willpower constructs could be so tasty!?

  13. BQ: it’s a toss up between helping me reach the top shelf and opening any bottle or jar.

  14. Light week, but fun, with Gates of Gotham, Mighty thor, and Rocketeer Adventures.  I guarandamntee that Mighty thor will be my PotW not only because it’s been good so far, but also GALACTUS!

    BQ:  I’d make a construct to take care of customers at work, so I can get the production part of things done without interuption so I can quit running out of things.

  15. Alot of great sounding books this week, especially the 2 big Death of Ultimate Spider-Man book and the Lois Lane Flashpoint mini. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut New Mutants is coming out, and as everyone knows, Nate Grey trumps ALL.

    BQ: I would use the ring to spread the jelly on my peanut butter & jelly sandwich in a more effective way. I can NEVER get a good jelly spread, as a majority of it always bunches up in a big glob in the center of the sandwich. 

  16. I would use a green lantern ring to create a green version of myself to sit at my desk and pretend to work.

  17. Captain America #619
    Carnage #5 (OF 5)
    Deadpool #39
    Flashpoint Kid Flash Lost #1 (OF 3)
    Flashpoint The Reverse Flash #1
    Wolverine #11
    X-Men Legacy #251

    BQ: First, I used it to travel, becasue I hate to drive everywhere. I’d also make a clone construct to go to my job and make others and get new jobs to rake in that dough. Also I’d make a construct that looked liked January Jones to do choirs around the house. With all this free time, I’d pursue whatever hobbies I want. If possible, I’d would use the ring to try and download info straight into my brain like the Matrix.

  18. Death of Spidey, Reverse Flash, Kid Flash top the list…

    BQ: Sell all my power tools and the like to be replaced by the ultimate multi-tasking tool.  As for a specific application… form the best possible recliner + massage chair to maximize the mundane daily post-work decompression.

    @redlibertyx: I think exploiting the ring’s advanced AI for Blue Book citation would count as extraordinary… otherwise, you could use the ring to pick stocks, play hundreds of simultaneous tables of online poker, write software / books / high level law policy / etc, or run a call-center single-handedly (as it were).  I’m not entirely sure it’s even possible (despite the AI functions of the ring), because Hal used to have to write mission reports to be sent to Oa after every adventure… if that kind of writing could be automated by the ring, Hal strikes me as the kind of guy that would let the ring take care of it.

  19. BQ: Green Lantern litterbox scooper

  20. Gates of Gotham, Rocketeer (YES!), Flashpoints, Zatanna, a couple of other DCs.

    BQ: I’d use the ring to clean my house and keep it spotless, as well as all lawn duties.

  21. Bettie Page TPB reprint and Suicide Girls. Great week.

  22. A bigger week than last week’s four.  Best reads likely to be Wolverine, Ultimate Spidey, Gates of Gotham and DMZ.  Also Thor, Thunderbolts and that last Echo trade…sweet!

    BQ: Clean the bathroom, definitely clean the bathroom.

  23. Looking forward to Rocketeer the most. I’ve decided to just pick up all the Flashpoint tie-ins. I have been anyway… Gonna try and jump back onto Deadpool. I keep forgetting about it then missing a bunch of issues. Oh, and Mighty Thor. That book is really good. The first Thor book to really grab my interest.  

    BQ: I would create an exact replica of myself to do all my work so I can just sit back, relax and read my comics.  

  24. 0 books last week. One book this week. Good times. Oh, but don’t worry I’m picking up 9 books next week. Thanks for spreading out the releases.

    BQ: I would have the ring change the T.V. channel for me. I know the remote controllers in my hand, but the grand movement that my thumb has to make to change the channel expends far too much energy. I would also have it make me a sandwich and beer me a beer while it’s up.

  25. BQ: everyone knows the only true answer is sex with constructs

  26. @edward  well yeah

    Also, i would use it to aid myself in becoming the coolest bartender this side of the Mississipi. You get mad tips for making tiny little gnomes that open peoples beers and pour their shots

  27. BQ:  Simple, to influence profitable games of chance. 

  28. Rocketeer!!! Brightest Day Aftermath: Search For Swamp Thing!!! Love Swamp Thing, and Constantine, Supes and Batman will be searching for him. Did you know Constantine 1st appeared in Swamp Thing comix? Alan Moores run is sweet and am loving the new formatted HC’s of it under Vertigos imprint (when title started it was under DC). Great cameo’s in those 1st four volumes of some of my favorite odd/obscure characters such as Etrigan The Demon, Dr Fate, The Spectre and Deadman and believe they’re all in some frames at once, love it! I think Josh had a pic on iFanboy of it for the Swamp Thing podcast a couple weeks ago. Also, Flashpoint tie ins I wasn’t gonna buy but am liking some of them and Uncanny X-Force if its out again, I think its been bi-weekly? Haven’t read last few and it feels like they’re coming fast but really like Remenders run thus far.

  29. 3 books for me this week, but one of them is Dark Horse presents, so that’s like 3 books right there. Really looking forward to mystery men #2!

    BQ: Remove dirty diapers! 

  30. BQ: I would use it to magically make spiders disappear.

  31. 12 books for me. I am mega excited by mystery men.  #1 took me by surprise considering I just picked it up on a whim and the awesomeness of it kicked the crap out of me.  Only 5 issues?  give us an ongoing!

    I’m also excited for gates of gotham and brightest day aftermath:  the search for Spock… i mean Swamp Thing

    bq:  easy question, I’d send a construct to go do my job for me ; )   

  32. BQ: I would make a dryer with my ring and cut my laundry time in half! No more line drying and less back pain!

  33. “Real Life Green Lantern”

  34. action comics 902, brightest day aftermath: the search 1, superman 712, and Zatanna 14.  Biggest week for me in a long time and strangely no Image, IDW, Darkhorse, or Archaia titles… hurm.
    BQ: I share the same opinion as a lot of people… Lawn maintence would be my use of the ring. A giant lawn mower construct to do the job in 5 minutes. lol

  35. Just Zatanna and Justice League of America for me.

    I will be very sad to see Zatanna get cancelled and while I originally wasn’t planning to continue getting Justice League, I think this might be one of the very last times I will get to see Bulleteer in an actual published comic book, let alone running with the Justice League. So I will probably get that too.

    BQ: Has it been established in continuity that the ring is capable of making marijuana that you can smoke? Because if so then I would probably just do that.

  36. BQ: I would use it to keep the house clean with Jennifer Garner and Ellen Page constructs or invite the real ones to clean for me in lingere. I would also mow the lawn with it and have tons of jobs using ring constructs and made sure I won the state lottery with it 🙂 After that I would fix our goverment for good 🙂 🙂 Jobs for everyone and the wealthy of this country will brought to there knees and I would make sure that all the troops come home safely too 🙂

  37. Actually scratch the goverment stuff because well that would require a lot of bloodshed and I am really against that so just clean up the house and win the state lottery and go meet celebrities I think are awesome 🙂

  38. BQ: Circus act.  Definitely circus act.

  39. BQ: would it be too extra-ordinary to use the ring to make a construct of a person, put real clothes on it and see if I could persuade people I was dating a shape-shifting colour blind alien mute?

  40. OMG I do NOT envy Conor this week. he has the POTW and something like 27 books? Sweet lord, even if this IS his job, I would never be to read that many comics in one day.