New Comics for 06.01.2011 will have its story told in a LET IT BE style documentary film

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Conor has the Pick!

Bonus Question: When the story of your life is finally told through the magic of the cinema, what kind of a tale will it be? A comedy? A tragedy? Experimental French expressionism? And what will be the twist ending?


  1. Damn, the first week of the month is supposed to be a short one, now I have 12 book to buy…

    BQ: A Comedy

  2. Looking forward to all things Flashpoint!!!

    BQ: A film of my life would be a romantic-action-comedy-drama and it will end with my death, but after the credits you’ll find that I splintered my consciousness into the offspring of my children and live on through them.

  3. The comics list page is wrongly currently titled “comics for June 2nd”. The new shipping arangements mean that the “day later when there’s a holiday” doesn’t happen anymore. They’ll just be on shelves a bit later in the day as they’ll be delivered and put on shelves same day.

  4. @NodNolan  That’s correct. Don’t worry about the title.

  5. And thus begins the Great Flashpoint Onslaught. In regard to the multitude of tie-ins, I’m just going to be picking up the books only featuring the characters or creators I care about…so luckily, that’ll trim the fat quite well. So for this week, that means the main title, the Batman mini, and I’m going to try at least one issue of Secret Seven. 

    As for non-Flashpoint related things, I’m really looking forward to Fear Itself: The Deep, as that’s the Fear Itself tie-in I’ve probably been anticipating the most. Avengers Academy has its Point One issue coming out this week, which if it’s anything like the the previous 14 issues, should be awesome. Also, looking forward to the Dark Angel Saga in Uncanny X-Force since I love Mark Brooks’ art and am looking forward to this seemingly big story.

    BQ: I hope that my life would be like a Troma movie (ala Toxic Avenger), with comedic cheesy acting and goofy violence galore.

  6. BQ: Mine would be something akin to (500) Days of Summer, a romantic comedy told out of time order. Because why not?

  7. With Flashpoint and Fear Itself in full swing, my list grows slimmer and slimmer (what with my decision to wait on the HardCovers for both of these events /tie-ins).

    Witchfinder #5
    Shinku #1

    Bonus Question: Serial Adventure. 🙂

  8. BQ: My life is a vegan PSA describing the dangers of being a pure carnivore/buddy comedy with me and Ted Turner.  It details how a diet completely devoid of fruits or vegetables leads to buffalo riding, weed smoking and satan worshipping.  At the end of the PSA, after a hard day of riding buffalo, me and Ted eat the vegans producing the video.  We blame the munchies and avoid punishment.

  9. Going down the list, I was shocked and excited to see Flashpoint and Fear Itself BOTH coming out this week.
    Then when I saw S.H.I.E.L.D Vol. 2 #1 coming out, I muttered “Oh @#$%” under my breath and forgot about all the other books coming out this week. 

  10. “Day later doesn’t happen anymore due to Tuesday shipping”.

    Does anyone know if that applies to U.S. comic shops which currently don’t get their books in on Tuesday?

    From what I know, the Tuesday shipping thing is only for comic shops that pay more to have the books a little earlier. My LCS doesn’t do that. But did the whole shipping change somehow affect things across the board so that there are no Thursday deliveries anymore for any shop even when there’s a holiday?

    I’ve tried to ask my LCS owner about this, but he isn’t open until Wednesday.

  11. I’m super excited for the Flashpoint Abin Sur tie-in. That and Amazing Spider-Man!

  12. Most psyched for Halcyon finale.  Can’t pass up the Defeenders in Fear Itself: The Deep #1.
    Curious about Flashpoint: Abin SurSuperboy‘d better rock me or I’m done.

  13. A decent week for me, I actually plan to pick up a lot of the flashpoint tie ins but this week I only plan to get Secret Seven and World Of. For Marvel, I am looking forward to Thunderbolts, Spider-man, X-23, and Fear Itself the most. I am hoping that Irredeemable picks up a bit, it seems to be dragging somewhat.

  14. Ok.. Ok… Lookin’ at all the ifanboy staff pull lists… You guys talked me into pulling: Criminal Last of Innocent

    Excited for “Who is Jake Ellis” 

  15. 12 books for me this week. Thats kinda heavy for me. Looking forward to Thunderbolts, Fear It’s Self and my first EVENT ever in DC. Not sure it should be a “Elseworld” event tho. Oh well. Here we go FlashPoint!

  16. Looking forward to heroes for Hire  and Thunderbolts, I’m also excited for the next issue of Flashpoint, and of course, Secret six.

  17. Every week has been light since I’m just getting back into the swing of things after having not bought comics for a few years.  That’s fine this week though, since rent is due.  Giving Fear Itself *another* chance hoping it’s good finally, and definitely picking up Criminal.

    My life as a movie?  A bantery Mallrats style comedy, with a twist ending where my entire life was imagined by a crazy person locked up in an institution.

  18. Yay books this week!

    BQ: Choose your own adventure book.

  19. Nice, solid list of books this week.

    Hellboy: The Fury, Herc, SHIELD Vol.2 #1 (Phillies: 2),  Superboy, Sweet Tooth, Thunderbolts.

    BQ: Tragedy 

  20. Oh my god! There’s a Thunderstrike trade out this week !1!!!

  21. Sweet Tooth, BPRD, X-Factor, Secret Six

    Huge amount of shake-up as I am recently returned from a year in Cairo.  Dropped: Hellboy (realized i had lost that loving feeling after Mignola moved from Nazis to pixies; thankfully BPRD still has it), SHIELD (went in a different direction than i wanted after 1st issue), X-Force (personal opinion – i find Madrox/Layla 10X more interesting and 10X less emo than Archangel/Psylocke).  Added: Sixth Gun (just read all the issues – awesome fun), Xombi (keeping my fingers crossed 10K people suddenly start buying this so it doesn’t get canned before the year’s out and they should – fantastic ideas, excellent writing, possibly the best art in a monthly book right now), American Vampire (second times the charm), Infinite Vacation (keep trying to give Nick Spencer a chance but haven’t liked anything so far, maybe this time is it).  On the fence about: Journey Into Mystery.  Intrigued by the first 2 issues, not yet loving it.  Anyone care to come out for/against?

    BQ: A serialized psycho-thriller with plenty of fun quirks ala Twin Peaks.  At the end we find out the log lady did it at the prompting of her woody confidante which turns out to be the dendritic reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth.  

  22. so pumped for SHIELD vol 2

    BQ: the early twenties version of about schmidt

  23. Criminal baby

    BQ:Gasper Noe has it covered

  24. Got 6 books this week, most looking forward to Heroes For Hire!

    BQ: indy romantic comedy 

  25. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

     uggh… so much flashpoint.

    BQ: i don’t know how to answer this question because the story of my life will be told through an NBC thursday night sitcom which will be loved by critics but get bad ratings and will only last two seasons.   

  26. 5 Marvel & iZombie.

    BQ: After School Special that’s so beloved it becomes a Movie of the Week that morphs into a springboard for the pilot of a much-maligned TV series that never gets made. Which is the twist. 

  27. Smallest week ever. One single issue and one hc.