New Comics for 02.23.2011 are actually at work today!

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Austin, Chris and Matt.

This week Conor has the Pick!

Bonus Question: Have you ever had to go into work when most people were on vacation? If so, what did you do that you couldn't have done otherwise?

At the job I had just after college, I had to go into work at the TV studio even though it was dark all week. I played wiffle ball in the studio with the camera crew. We hit a lot of the lights. Whoops.


  1. Pretty big week for me, although that’s because I didn’t get Ultimate Cap and Thunderbolts from last week.

    Action Comics, Deadpool, Detective Comics, Fantastic Four, and Secret Avengers

  2. A lot of stuff I’m not crazy about this week. Still should be a good week.

    BQ I used to work at a movie theater so YES.

  3. Big week as well. Looking forward to Avengers #10, Punisher and Power Man and Iron Fist.

    BQ- Being in IT we are here all the time even when no one else is. So we play lots of DS games and will even set up a dart board from time to time.

  4. Huge week for me.

    Action Comics, Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Detective  Comics, Fantastic Four, Morning Glories, New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men Legacy.

    Lots of Spider-Man and lots of X-Men this week.   I’m buying nine comics, but if Age of X is as good as the prologue was it should be worth it. 

  5. Pretty big week for me. Detective, Action, ASM, FF, Generation Lost….Sheesh. 

    Hopefully the Final Issue of Fantastic Four will be easier to find (esp. at cover price)

    I was told the second printing of FF #587 is dropping this week too.  

  6. Uggh. A monster week again! I’m really going to have to trim my pull list. On the fence about picking up Age of X; should I read it in issues or wait for the trade?

    And really, every damn Marvel book is $3.99.

  7. BQ. worked at an Internet Video news company. no news was happening during one columbus day so we edited together a bunch of robert tepper style montages and posted them around the internet.

  8. BQ: there’s a holiday in the province i live, but i have to work, only because i work for the country and don’t get these awesome holidays. My day is the same as usual. YAY me!

  9. If its a day I’m scheduled to work no holiday will ever come between me and work. On these wonderful days where I am paid to do, effectively, nothing. I listen to music or podcasts, read comics, watch streams on my phone. Other than having to drive to work it pretty much like being at home.

  10. Wowzers!  Not only is 15 books a big week for me, but about 12 of those are series that I am always thrilled to read.  I love, love, love that Scalped and Ultimate Spider-Man tend to come out on the same week. These are always a delight to read, yet is such opposite ways. These two books are usually my favorite series each month, but this week, I am most excited about an entire issue of Jim Gordon drawn by Francavilla. So excited!

    I wonder how long DC with draw the line at $2.99 when Marvel keeps nearly all their books at $3.99 and doesn’t seem to lose any ground because of it. 

  11. This is one of those weeks I feel guilty about waiting on trades. Scalped, American Vampire and Morning Glories are all great.  So I’m getting a few floppies; Detective, Lost League, JSA, FF…maybe some Ultimate Marvel.

    BQ: While in college I worked unloading trucks at a department store, so Thanksgiving and everyday until Xmas I was at work.  It blew!

  12. Yeah, this is getting rediculous.  I agree with Conor about them trying to figure out a way to more evenly distribute products THROUGHOUT the month instead of one or two given weeks. 27 books this week.

    BQ: Caught up on lesson plans.

  13. Only two books this week, hope my back orders come in.

    BQ:  I used to get OT helping cust.Service every newyears eve day and we never had fun, but it was EZ money.

     1 time (when I was young) I lost a job cause we had to work the day after christmas and I did not come in, the day after is better than or atleast as good as the day, def better then the Eve.

  14. @Andrew  –well according to those diamond award things, DC cleaned up this year so…

    oh i forgot the BQ: I’ve actually had lots of jobs that required me to work over holidays. I’m always working on Christmas Eve and the day after on various Design projects that are due the first week of the New Year. Totally sux. My family hates it. I do get good comp time that i’m using this yr to go to SDCC so it works out ok. 

  15. Excited about Who is Jake Ellis? #2

    BQ: My actual job instead of what people think I do.

  16. Currently at work while my unemployed friends celebrate a holiday by drinking more than they usually do.

  17. Last Christmas I had to work when all my friends were off because they had 2 weeks off and I only had one. There was nothing to do so I played games and ate cake 😀

  18. Is Takio not coming out this week?

  19. BQ: just after i turned 19 i moved to a different city for uni and started working a bar. I thought it would be fun to experient and see what it would be like not to go home for the christmas and just work in the bar, big money and all that.  

    turns out spending christmas at a crappy bar is very depressing. who would have thought?

  20. In my industry, there really isn’t any off time. We are open 24/7, so I have worked every holiday imaginable. it’s pretty much business as usual, really. not a lot of fun or goofing off on holidays.

  21. Action Comics, Detective Comics, New York Five,Morning Glories, Generation Lost! I’m excited for this week!

    I work at an elementary school, I get every holiday off. Its great!

  22. Who Is Jake Ellis? #2. YUS!

  23. Going into school today, even though all the kids are off, so I can catch up on work that I cant do at home with my three rug rats running around! Perhaps I’ll take a skiffle ball set too ?

  24. Hoo boy! Big week.  Always most excited for Tec and Scalped, but there are a heck of a lot of other good books, like Ultimate Spidey, Morning Glories (no Infinite Vacation 2 after all?), New York 5, Action, Punisher…it’s big but mostly stuff I really love.  I do find myself wondering where certain other titles have got to though, like Batman Inc and Europa and Takio, especially as all these other books seem more or less on track…

    BQ: All the time.  Holidays, night shifts, weekends.  But those are the best times as the bosses are nowhere to be seen.

  25. The current comic releass schedule either has a lot to offer or very very little

    BQ: All the time, I usually use a condesending voice ” look at me I have a vacation and a life”, as I sadly drive in to do my work, envious of all of them.

  26. Iron Man 2.0!! Can’t wait to see where Spencer takes this–the Iron Man universe really is extremely ripe for another quality title.
    I was once one of the only people in my office the day after thanksgiving. I literally did nothing. Just… nothing. Got to work, booted up my computer, and stared. Then it was 5. And I went home.