Great Moments in Comics History: The Avengers #16

I wonder if this scene will be in the movie.


  1. Shoot him in the back to put him out of his misery? He’d shoot the leopard or throw his shield at it but PETA would be all over him.

    Plus, why point out that he is a “white” man? What does that have to do with it?

  2. It does seem to imply that if it had been an Asian or Latino being mauled by a jungle cat he’d be less shocked.

  3. Well at least it’s a leopard and not a black panther (that’s A not THE), which would read “A white man– being attacked by a black panther.”

  4. Hilarious stuff. What does he do? Does Cap throw the shield? Does that guy get savagely mauled? Please let us know

  5. Double No’s are how you know this is for real. I love how Cap is a total mirror of the times this was drawn in. 

  6. I love in old comics when in the time it takes to say the thing they are saying they could solve the problem they are discussing.

    “Too far for me to reach him in time!” – maybe if you weren’t so EXPOSITIONY Steve. 

  7. Unlike DC, Marvel never polled their readers regarding their opinions of black people. At least, as this panel reads, I hope not!

  8. I think that he would have been in more danger had the leopard’s rear paws not been nailed to the tree.  Who else wants to see more stories of Captain America, Man With Ethnic Views Out of Time.

  9. Who goes out in the jungle-

    Forgets their shoes but brings their hat??

  10. That’s not a hat.  It’s a UFO.  Obviously.

  11. @JesTr – that was for the Essentials book so we’d know he was white.  Even back then, Stan was thinking ahead to the collected edition.

  12. A White Man – – being denied a bank loan! Too far for me to reach him in time. Only one thing I can do … buy him a non fat mocha latte at starbucks!

  13. There better be an explanation of his lack of shoes in a later panel.

  14. @genelaw9 Yet he retained his hat, at least until the leopard attack. Someone needs to re-prioritise. 

  15. in a jungle scenario one MUST retain their hat. unquestionable.

  16. only one thing to do: deregulate and  give out tax cuts

  17. Gives more weight to the alternate JFK conspiracy theory….”The leopard got him.”  I wonder what Cap would think about that?

  18. Judging from the depth of field it really looks like the leopard is not going anywhere near the ‘white man’.

  19. Watch?
    The only thing to do?
    Video it and put it on youtube!

  20. Just to keep things straight, up until this time, Cap and Rick Jones had been moving through a South American rain forest trying to find ‘civilization.’ They were all but lost. Before the moment of this panel, the only people they had seen were Baron Zemo, some of his henchmen (all anglos, I rightly assume), all White, and natives of the area, whom you would rightly suppose, were brown. By everything they had gone through in the last 24 hours, finding a random (and somewhat indigenous [by dint of his rag-tag clothes] ‘white’) man about to be attacked would, indeed get that kind of reaction from Steve.

    And the only thing Cap could do would be to throw his mighty shield.

    …Oh, wait… This was all just to have fun, wasn’t it?

    My bad.

  21. Cap really does only have one thing to do – get himself a new hat!

  22. The bottom line is that Captain America works vigilantly to save the white people.  Huzzah!

    *looks in mirror* Aww, crap, I’m not white.