Exclusive Rob Guillory Cover for PREGNANT BITCHES OF WAR #1

So this is happening. Filmmaker Alexandre Philippe has shared the exclusive cover for his new comic series, Pregnant Bitches of War.

“Plucked from the time-stream by brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, six pregnant women must save the world from a hell of their own creation… and they have to do it all before their water breaks!”

See on the one hand, they’ve got the apocalypse and war and Tesla; all things comics readers get behind, and then on the other side, the pregnant ladies. So that’s what’s happening. You might know Philippe from his directorial effort, The People vs. George Lucas.

But when we were asked to reveal a cover for them this week, we instantly went with Rob Guillory (Chew), so remember to breathe. And breathe.


You can catch more covers by Glenn Fabry, Ben Templesmith, and more, being debuted at different sites all this week. Start off with Geekscape, and work your way around from there. The bold can learn more from the Fried Comics site when it launches on June 11, or on their Facebook page.


  1. Wow… talk about bad taste… Honestly, who’s interested in buying and reading this!? 0_o

  2. I don’t know what to make of this, it sounds so… In your face and raw and weird. All those artists really attached their names to this series by providing covers? PHEW! Wish I had balls that big. Just the name is gonna get some backlash I think but what do I know? I’m not putting money down on this but I’d be interested to see the audience reactions. Man, can you imagine this being POTW?

    • Oh, come on. Emma Frost’s cameltoe is a staple of Big 2 comics. A pregnant lady holding guns is hardly outrage material.

    • Except this isn’t a Marvel comic, or DC, and its got the main female characters being referred to as bitches on the cover.

    • You are correct.This will be seen by far less people than have gazed upon Emma’s crotch.

      You do realize it’s more of a shoutout to Inglorious Basterds than a statement about women, right?

    • I did not no, hopefully the vocal female comic critics will.

    • I think they’ve got their hands full with DC’s Villains Month, aka “Rape-apalooza.”

    • I have to agree with Rob. This feels like a satire more than big 2 books, who use “Boobs” and “Cleavage” as serious conceptual design elements. This just feels comedic and not as exploitational as the superhero stuff.

    • Whoa whoa, where’d that “Rape-apalooza” thing come from? Is that a thing?

      Ehh, if its satire and non-exploitive then I guess there won’t be any trouble.

    • Let me add my agreement to Rob and Wally. This is clearly satire and I don’t think very offensive at all. I mean which is worse? This, or when Marvel made a huge deal out of including more female creators in their company and then released the series as “Girl Comics?” I’d say “Girl Comics” takes it hands down. “Pregnant Bitches of War” is clearly a satire and only refers to the main characters of this series. “Girl Comics” included all of the female creators AND the female characters they were using and in one fell, terribly titled swoop managed to marginalize them and their contributions to the industry.

  3. Can we get this and Black Kiss as co-Pick of the Weeks at some point? That would be exceptional.

  4. At times, people tend to overreact to things. This is one of those times. Yes, the title is kind of harsh, but its only that. We don’t know what the story is yet, so let’s reserve comments until then.

    Personally, I’m curious about this and maybe I’ll try it out.

  5. Not something I particularly wanted, but best of luck to them.

    That cover is something else. From the hair on the legs to the posters “sperm, it’s all his fault; prepare to be pooped on; pregnancy is a gift, a gross gross gift”, etc…it’s pretty wonderful.

  6. also, i kinda feel this might sell well at Gun Shows. Get those distribution channels working!

  7. So to all the people on this thread worried about this being “exploitative” I assume you voiced similar concern for much more obviously exploitative series such as Sex, Black Kiss, Bomb Queen, Crossed, The Boys, and really anything written by Mark Millar in the last five years. Yes? The same outrage to all of those? If not then just chill out. Good art is meant to challenge and push boundaries, and yes, occasionally make you uncomfortable. If you want your comics safe and sanitized then stick with the Big 2.

    • Heh, I won’t touch any of that crap you listed, but I’m totally going to get this.

    • Honestly I don’t read much it either but I also wasn’t offended by its existence like some people seem to be offended by this comic merely being.

      I’m totally reading this too. Going to give it a couple issues at the very least.

  8. Wonder what the folks at The Mary Sue will think of this…

  9. “Motherhood is a gift. A gross, gross gift.”

    That made me laugh.

  10. Is the Tesla fad over yet?

    • When exactly did the Tesla fad start??? And what exactly were the comic guilty of being a part of it???

    • Seriously????? That’s a lot of question marks.

    • On a serious note though, I feel as though Tesla is referenced or used far too much in today’s pop culture. Whether or not you believe it’s a fad, I do, just as ninjas, talking monkeys, Cthulhu, and zombies are. Nobody’s telling you not to read this, I’m sure it might even be good. Just not my cup o’ tea.

    • That’s cool and I’m not trying to get in your face or anything, honestly just curious what you’re referring to. Other than The Prestige (which is 7 years old) I can’t think of anything that directly references Tesla or uses him as a character. What works is he featured in?

    • I’m not going to get into whether the use of Tesla is currently part of a fad, but this discussion made me curious and I ran across this:


      Hope this is of interest.

    • Yeah Prestige was just then only thing I could think of off the top of my head. After I posted that I also remembered there is. Tesla Coil in that god awful compilation film from a few years ago. Coffee and Cigarettees maybe? Anyway, the scene with Jack and Meg White had a Tesla Coil in it. Man that was a horrible film. Also Tesla Coils are base defense structures in some of the Command & Conquer games.

      Tesla is definitely known by people and appears occasionally in films, comics, etc, but to me a fad denotes a pretty high level of exposure. A frequent amount of usage and recognizability in popular culture.

  11. My wife’s pregnant and I think she would find this to be hilarious. I think she and I will read at least the first issue to see if it’s as funny as it looks.