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Name: Josh King


weaponx's Recent Comments
January 26, 2010 9:33 pm

Was the spoiler?:

"His dad died overseas in the Iraq war."

 Because that's the only thing I can think of and it's in the promo at the top of the page.


November 15, 2009 9:18 pm

Wait! This specific comic was written in the 20's and 30's?  They may be using the old character models but they certianly don't plan to use the writing style from 80 years ago.  Again, pulp was a style not a genre.

 I looked around the web and found many other comments and bloggers who got the same vibe as myself from this issue.  So I know I'm not crazy or wrong.  To each his own I guess.  :)

November 14, 2009 3:30 pm

@conor:  While I'm no expert, I've always thought of pulp as a style and noir a genre.  Within pulp fiction you have many different genres.  There's pulp westerns, pulp mystery, pulp romance, pulp war and even pulp noir.  One reference describes pulp noir this way:

"Pulp noir often portrays a gritty, one-man army. Typically, the main character has no distinguishing abilities, but can hold ground against seemingly impossible odds. Pulp noir locations are often seedy, run-down and degradated urban landscapes, where the lack of law, morals and even the proliferation of crime and drugs are common themes. Another common trend in pulp noir is the glorification and/or demonization of its urban locations."

Sounds like the Batman and Gotham found here.  So I certianly wouldn't say "not anywhere near noir."

November 14, 2009 10:12 am So this is Batman: Noir?  I enjoy that sort of thing though and like the potential here.  I'm not a huge fan of Noto's art, glad he's only doing the prologue.  I kept thinking how awesome it would be with Risso on art.
October 17, 2009 2:29 pm @PraxJarvin - That's true.  I had forgotten Kryb's children died.  They died of starvation right?
October 16, 2009 9:34 pm I believe those kids are the Children of the White Lobe.