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I’m hoping the cover means that Stewart is gonna have a purpose for this event. I mean having Xanshi come back is a HUGE deal for the character. But with all of the main issues and tie ins he’s barely had any time involved with him. Hope that changes with this issue. Although the solict offers no hint that he is the focus in this.
Didn’t Geoff Johns say he’d have an issue or two to himself at some point? I think he’s set up to be a major player.
That is an awesome cover. But yes, more John Stewart please, less Kyle Rayner. 😉
I’m loving the Kyle and Guy buddy cop scenes.
Great cover!
One of my fav covers so far
Isn’t be about to face off against a Black Lantern planet? That better be one powerful rifle.
@PraxJarvin: I say more John Stewart, more Guy Gardner and more Kyle Rayner!
@JesTr-The cover of an upcoming issue suggest something really cool happens to Guy. I’m all for it. More Gardner indeed!
@stuclach: It carries nuclear bullets. So every shot fired is like a small atom bomb.
It’s gonna take awhile but it’ll get the job done.
@TNC – A long while, indeed.
for some reason my shop didn’t get this today
Another Blackest Night issue, another promise of John Stewart action, another promise broken.
Yeah to all of those buying this, this was the wrong cover advertised. Boo-urns.
This had a better pace to it then last issue. Tomasi seemed to get handling six characters at once down, unlike last issue. I think Tomasi writes the Black Lanterns better then Johns, only if because the lanterns in this are much more personal to the characters here. Sadly I thought the artwork dipped because of Gleason once again going off model. It wasn’t that big of a problem, but it took me out of it quite a bit.
@viewt Hey the cover i bought promised me nothing but a creepy black lantern kid and i got that at the end
Pretty bland. Stuff happened that moved the story along, but I didn’t really have fun reading it.
@Viewt and @RoiVampire – I got the creepy kid that fit the story, as well.
Didn’t enjoy this at all. Just wanted it to be over. Starting to think the same about Blackest Night.
Hasn’t this John Stewart sniper rifle cover been promised for multiple issues of both GL and GLC now? It seems like this isn’t the first time we were going to get it then got something else instead.
Who are these kids by the way? Are they Kryb’s ‘babies’ or something else?
@TNC – I think that is correct.
@stuclach: Which is correct? lol
I loved the Doug reference by one of the babies. Putting an old Nick Toons reference in your book is always a win in my book.
I’m tired of the routine we are getting. The guys mentioned it on the podcast several times, but its just hit its mark with me. New black lanterns, freaks people the fuck out, blah blah. It’s gotta change fast, luckily that seems to be whats going to happen.
That being said, an enjoyable read. 3.5 stars if that were possible. But it’s not, so I’ll round up.
This was the first issue of either Green Lantern books that I gave less than a 4, which makes me feel even more disappointed by this. To make it worse, it didn’t even get a 3…
The Kilowog stuff at the end started to get me going, but then it just cut off, and I was left greenballed.
I’m thinking about dropping ‘Corps’, it’s just not that good.
So much happening with so many different characters in this book, sometimes it’s hard to keep up! But as always, this was an entertaining issue. Best story title I’ve seen in a while too — Children Of The Corps.
Also, the theme of the issue must have been telling a Black Lantern “I said — SHUT UP!” then punching them. It happened twice :p
Yeah… Blackest Night needs to progress now. Surely we should be in Act 2 now? It seems we’re still in Act 1 and everything is just set up. I want progress! I want story! And I want John Stewart!
@TNC – That they are cribs babies.
crap. I wanted the cover in this solicitation for it.
the cover at my local comic shop was craptastic.
@projectX2 I agree, this story seems to have stalled out a bit. I get that Tomasi is showing a bunch of character moments as the individual GLs face their past, but I wish we saw the Indigo Lantern show up at the beginning of the story rather than get 22 pages of bickering with the promise of forward movement all the way at the end.
I looked on DC’s website, and the solicited cover is actually the unfinished cover for Green Lantern 49 in December, so it looks like you may still have your chance to get it.
Gobo pointed out that there was a spelling mistake at the very end of the issue.
Now I can’t stop noticing it when I re-read the issue. Boo-urns.
I want to see Red Lantern Gardner already.
I believe those kids are the Children of the White Lobe.
I enjoyed this issue. But that was about it. Apparently, Pete Tomasi and I have similar iPod selections. I’ve noticed this since the Sins of the Star Sapphire arc began, but he uses song lyrics for issue titles and sometimes for lines. As well, the R. Lee Emery BL was as distracting as it was in Tales of the Corps. I gave this a 3/5. I think TOmasi is a bit on the sidelines of Blackest Night, so we’re being "forced" to sit through an extended fight scene to cover the distance before the next big revelation.
@weaponx Considering the cover says Children of the Corps on it and that the children each look to be different species, they’re not the Children of the White Lobe.
I like the idea of a R Lee Emery type training Kilowog. Most drilling instructors are like that, but its a nice homage/parody and I like Emery as an actor. Couldn’t stop hearing his voice when I was reading this though..
@PraxJarvin – That’s true. I had forgotten Kryb’s children died. They died of starvation right?
Feels pretty Act II-y to me.
@weaponx Yep, Kryb and what’s her name from the Star Sapphires were looking for the children and couldn’t mind them. We’re to believe they have died. This issue confirms it.
@TNC See, it’s so overdone in media that I’m annoyed by it. We get it, you saw FULL METAL JACKET. Here’s a pat on the back.
@PraxJarvin: That makes sense; it is overdone in the media now a days. Still, it makes sense for the character (Kilowog) so I’m willing to let it slide this once.