
Name: Andrew Dickinson



DirkFeelgood's Recent Comments
April 12, 2013 2:40 am This is really similar to my feelings on Skyfall. In that film Bond spends a large portion of the film telling Moneypenny she's not cut out for field work and that she would be better suited to a desk job. The sole reason seemed to be she missed that one really difficult shot with the sniper rifle, despite all the other awesome stuff she'd done to get herself in position to take that shot. To make matters worse she seemingly agrees with him and becomes a glorified secretary. I really liked your discussion about how characters stay strong whilst still making mistakes, and the humble response from James Asmus too. Thanks for your thoughts.
March 14, 2013 3:25 pm Great Pick. I loved Avengers Academy, really enjoyed all the characters in that series, but that love just makes this story here even better for me. The last 6 pages of this particular issue were so tense as I feared a favourite of mine was for the chop. I have no problem with superheroes dying when handled in the correct way, for the right reasons and with some emotional investment not just shock value. The effort Hopeless has gone to to make every individual hero matter makes all this worthwhile and definitely substance over style. Oh and Kev Walker - what a beast.
March 5, 2013 2:59 pm Really not sure I will actually pick this up. I enjoyed the recent one and done character issues more than the first arc but for a book that comes out so often I really need to love it to keep going. If anything keeps me in it will be Hickman's run on Fantastic Four
March 5, 2013 2:56 pm So despite the blurb the cover says Iron Fist and Doop. THIS COULD BE THE GREATEST THING WHAT I EVER DID READ,
February 25, 2013 8:43 pm Thirded! This has been a really interesting title so far. I have heard Spurrier say it will eventually get past the old cliche of Legion trying to control his powers. Really looking forward to seeing what stories come after this.
February 20, 2013 11:07 pm Yeah that is a bit odd
February 20, 2013 9:28 pm That Elektra pin-up is a bit ridiculous. Are most of these commisions or does she just really like boobs?
February 20, 2013 8:39 pm Ive been surprised at the lack of love for this title since Remender took over. For me it's been one of the top Marvel NOW books. Much better than the Hickman Avengers books. Loving that we're getting a story that shows off Steve's soul as much as anything else.
December 27, 2012 1:43 am Thanks for the list, I need to get into Stumptown. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Captain America #1 - I've sometimes struggled with Cap in the past but that single issue made me buy into him more than anything else I've read. It had real character and, you know, The Green Skull. Also I'd go for the final FF rather than Fantasic Four if it were up to me....I guess it is up to me in the confines of this tiny box....