Comic Books
Story by Rick RemenderArt by John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson
Colors by Dean White
Cover by John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, Morry Hollowell, & Simone Bianchi
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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Big Barda vs. Captain America
Ha, i’d read that:)
🙂 I thought the same!
Ugly cover… Can’t wait to see the cliff hanger from last month answered! Also I would totally be into Reminder writing a young Steve Rogers mini, its been my favorite part of the arc.
^ I agree.
Gah! Diamond shorted my Wednesday retailer of all copies of this issue!
Gotta wait until Saturday to get this … 🙁
Ive been surprised at the lack of love for this title since Remender took over. For me it’s been one of the top Marvel NOW books. Much better than the Hickman Avengers books. Loving that we’re getting a story that shows off Steve’s soul as much as anything else.
Agreed. This is certainly a different direction for a Cap title.
This book has been awesome so far. My friends and I have been thinking this arcs puts Cap into a lot of interesting scenarios that haven’t been written before
This is very different from any Captain America I’ve ever read and I’m enjoying it. I don’t think Romita is very good at drawing children though.