
Name: Gregory Blinstrub


Blinny's Recent Comments
July 23, 2013 10:35 am Man - I was really looking forward to this until I saw Earth-2 mentioned. Zippy interest in parallel universes. It's only issue #2! Went from pumped to meh in record time.
August 29, 2012 2:31 pm Am I the only one who noticed all the people in the "crowd" looked like characters from LOST? Off the top of my head, I saw characters that resembled Locke (scar and all), Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer...
May 18, 2012 11:35 am You're right - Hulk's face when he was facing forward were pretty odd. That being said, all the profile views and the rest of the artwork I felt was awesome!
May 18, 2012 11:33 am The 2 page spread of solo Hulk, roaming the world and living life was so awesome. I found myself smiling ear-to-ear as I looked through each panel. Love the character, but haven't been loving the story thus far (the Hulk-cheetahs and Hulk-boars almost made me give up) - but any Hulk story titled "Stay Angry" is going to get a shot from me.