Review by: akamuu

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Avg Rating: 4.2
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Size: pages
Price: 3.50

I would like to thank Mr. Brubaker for stopping his run on Uncanny X-Men, and getting back to what he does best, noiry comics.  Man, do I hate overly narrative boxed comics.  I like my dialogue in bubbles, and a character’s motivations obvious by their actions and speech.  But, goddamn can Ed Brubaker write cool narrative boxes.  Can’t wait to buy this in trade, and lend it out to friends who claim to not like comics.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. haha i just got one of my friends who hates comics hooked on walking dead.  I was thinking the same thing while reading this book.  it was great. Ed is my favorite right now.

  2. @ twooldridge:  Good call on The Walking Dead.  That and The Nightly News are my two most recommended comics for non-comic people.

  3. This book was wonderful.

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