Review by: TheNextChampion

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The original Human Torch is a fascinating character. He’s an android, but he can learn on his own and has feelings like any other human being. It’s amazing how a character that was created 70 years ago; can be one of the most complicated characters in Marvel history. Now people just think of the FF’s Human Torch when his name is called; but I say the original Torch can take that pretty boy down anyday.

This is Scott Snyder’s first ever comic, and I say Marvel needs to sign him an exclusive deal post haste. I was enthralled with this issue from page one. He gets the Human Torch down by the first couple of pages; he brings an intellectual side to the android. We feel sorry for Torch as people start to hate him when they see the real ‘skin’, and he gets the ‘human vs machine’ angle down perfectly. This is a character that has struggled with being either human or robot all of his life; and Synder just knows how to write this struggle.

Scott Wegener is a name that I dont think people know at first glance, but if you hear his work you definitely know his style. He’s the creator of ‘Atomic Robo’ and is currently doing ‘Killer of Demons’ for Image. I was a little hesitant on this style of art; cause I have read some Atomic Robo and I wasnt that impressed. But after reading this issue I want to go out and pick up the comic’s he also works on and I would love to see him do more mainstream work in the future. It’s a somewhat sketchy, simplistic style to his characters. He doesnt put much detail in the anatomy or the faces….but when you look at it for awhile…you see the detail. Not one character looks alike, it’s amazing cause again, he really doesnt put much work into the faces of each character. Plus his designs for all sides of the hero; whether it is flaming, or human, or android is just perfect…it’s unqiue but it just feels right.

This comic also provides a story called ‘Introducing Toro-The Flaming Torch Kid!’ from Human Torch Comics #2. Just like the Sub-Mariner 70th anniversary issue; it’s just fun to see these really old comics reprinted. It’s just campy to read; cause it’s just so ridiculous of a story. The stuff in this story should be all serious; like Toro’s origin or a strongman trying to kill a little kid….but it just comes off as hilarious. I mean in the first page alone we get lines like:

‘The Torch is attracted by Gay colored tents’ and ‘ Cant say…but it’s mighty queer!’

It’s childish I know, but you get diaologue like that threw out all the comic. Some good artwork though; for some reason I enjoy the early days of comics artwork. It’s very muddled with the pencils but it’s colored nicely.

The only problem with this comic is that they should’ve included the ‘Marvel’s #1/2 issue. You know where we get to see Human Torch in that glass container, underground; thinking of why he exists. That would’ve fit perfectly reading the Snyder/Wegener story. But overall this was a great comic. I think Marvel found a new writer and the artwork in this fantastic. This definitely makes me wanna go out and get Atomic Robo in the future. Original Human Torch overall is a character no one really uses; unless your last name is Brubaker. This comic shows exactely why the character should be brought back in a mainstream role. He’s fascinating and has a great history, and this comic showed those two things perfectly.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Sounds good. I’ll pick that up.

  2. Thanks for the generous words, guys. Stay in touch! Scott Snyder 

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