Review by: akamuu

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Size: pages
Price: 3.99

If you come at this looking for a fun elseworlds story involving some of the major players from Marvel’s Dark Reign, it’s ok.  The art is…different, the characters don’t speak like they do in other titles (Osborne in particular is written with the right motivations but the wrong vocabulary), and the events don’t appear to be corresponding with any other titles.  But it’s not badly written.  It just doesn’t seem like it’s part of continuity.

It’s not just the writing, Nathan Fox’s art style seems more suited to Image or Boom! then Marvel.  And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.  The faces tend to be linier than I like, but overall, it’s good to see something different than the Marvel Status Quo.  But, again, it does give you the sense that this is all taking place in some alternate world.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good

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