Review by: TheNextChampion

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Writer: Mike Mignola
Artist: Duncan Fegredo
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Cover: Mike Mignola

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

I’m not sure what happened here with me and this issue. The first part of ‘The Fury’ was a huge improvement over the previous mini’s involving the ‘end’ of Hellboy. Here though I don’t know why but this issue never grabbed me.

Well that’s not entirely true, Duncan Fegredo is doing some amazing work here. So many huge, epic battle sequences all over the place. If it isn’t the King of England fighting ‘WAR’ or the ruined landscapes of the world, then it’s Hellboy fighting the dragon. I could literally watch Hellboy fighting a dragon for an entire story with no dialogue. Also, Dave Stewart shows his chops once again with some great coloring in this book. I particularly love the panel of the King (bathed in white) overcoming the ‘green’ (or dead) soldiers. In fact the final sequence in the book would not be as chilling to read if it wasn’t for the ‘reds’ in the book by Stewart.

So the art is the real hook in this issue for me. But the story, what little of it, just doesn’t interest me here. Hecate has been making the same speeches over and over again, and if you’ve read Hellboy from the beginning like me it gets even older at this point. Plus it has a lot of pages of Alice just saying ‘Who’ ‘What’ or ‘Huh’ too many times to count. (Maybe not exactly like that but she seems to be there just to get more exposition out) I’m hoping the ending of this mini will bring more then just exposition to the table because to be honest: it feels like 95% of this entire ‘epic’ has been exposition up to this point.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 5 - Excellent

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