Review by: jsbigman

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Price: 2.99

One of the worst Batman stories I have ever read.  Makes Batman look like a whiney little girl.  The art is dreadful making Batman look like a roided out freak instead of a trained and honed warrior.  All of the strengths of Bruce Wayne as Batman are ignored and replaced with this ineffectual twit who can barely come up with a plan of attack.

I stuck with this series hoping for some gleam of hope, but in the end this issue has no redeeming qualities except this.  This travesty is finished.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 1 - Poor


  1. That’s a shame you didnt like it, I am looking forward to reading it either way.

    Is this your first exposure to Kelley Jones? Because he normally draws Batman like this. Guess it’s all about taste really.

  2. I have no idea why someone would buy five issues of this if they didn’t like it or "get" Jones’ art. I can definitely see why many wouldn’t like it, but often it’s like what Jones is going for (a DELIBERATELY inconsistent style) just flies over people’s heads. It’s 2010 almost–people STILL don’t understand that some art can be surrealist or non-realistic?

    This last issue was definitely sub-standard as far as writing goes–definitely. But Batman as a "whiney girl"? Where was that? He nearly beats the villain to death in this issue! (He nearly became addicted to the drug the villain was using–was that vulnerability the problem? I thought it added a bit of depth to the story.) A "twit" who can "barely come up with a plan of attack"? Uh, Bruce actually played scientist, replicated the villain’s invisibility forumula and used the invisible man’s M.O. against him to give him a taste of his own method of terrorizing people. The execution (as far as dialogue and such went) wasn’t perfect, but that sort of vengeance is close to the essence of Batman.

    Definitely one of Moench’s worst stories, in that it run 2 issues too long in my book. The ’90s run was a lot better, but fans of that would at least like to look at this for what it was.

    Readers who can’t handle something different, art that isn’t strictly realist or storytelling that isn’t "cinematic", should definitely not try this though. Those people definitely aren’t openminded enough. On the other hand, it would serve them right to have wasted $15 on all the issues. 😛

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