Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #508 – Batman and Robin Eternal #3

Show Notes

With Ron Richards off galavanting around Ireland the Two Jamokes are back! Josh Flanagan possibly has a mental break at the beginning of the show and Conor Kilpatrick has a lot of problems with costumes this week. Plus — technology addiction fears, everyone has a hatchet, and a brief trip down the video show memory lane!

Running Time: 01:05:22

Pick of the Week:
00:02:05 – Batman and Robin Eternal #3

Batman and Robin Eternal_3Comics:
00:12:01 – Titans Hunt #1
00:16:44 – Tokyo Ghost #2
00:23:12 – The Uncanny Inhumans #1
00:27:00 – Karnak #1
00:28:49 – 1872 #4
00:31:51 – Back to the Future #1
00:37:18 – Clean Room #1
00:39:57 – Doctor Fate #5
00:41:29 – Weirdworld #5
00:43:23 – S.H.I.E.L.D. #11
00:44:38 – Invincible #124

Star Wars Corner:
00:46:10 – Star Wars: Darth Vader #11

Audience Questions:
00:49:10 – Greg M from Medford, NJ has a question about the iFanboy Star Wars Media Blackout.
00:51:24 – Scott S. has a wife who thinks reading comics is childish.
00:56:37 – Steven U. from Chicago, IL is new to comics and is looking to become an expert.

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  1. I think a bigger theme with Remender’s writing, more than his fear of the future is
    his fear of male inadequacy. Everything he seems to write these days is how his characters have
    failed themselves- their wives, their kids, their ideals.
    It’s, just, so, whiny.
    There I said it. He’s clearly a talented writer but man, shake it off.
    Be a man and just be a man and maybe see a therapist and write something that isn’t saturated with that.

    Every 50 years or society laments about the progress of tech and how technology is isolating us.
    Remember how email was going to ruin relationships. The Walkman was going to keep people from talking on the streets.
    Hell, telegraphs were going to ruin the written word.
    The old man rant is not recognizing that we have(as a people) been through all this before many times.
    And that every bit of society advancing tech- the artificial skin that can save a burn victim or a group of refugees organizing and saving lives via social media make it all worth the annoyance of selfies and acronym slang.

    • I agree and feel like this happens to men at a certain age, or some men (Clint Eastwood) their whole lives. it’s what I felt when I reread “The Dark Knight Returns” it’s Frank Miller’s Gran Turino. It’s a youth hating racist living in a good ole days the sky is falling conservatives hell scape. Tough to read now. Not looking forward to “Master Race”

  2. Also at this point I have just quit the secret wars books. I mean I Really enjoyed 1872 and am curious about AoA.
    But with all this editorial mess , I just can’t be bothered.

  3. We all know Josh has a very supportive wife. She let him decorate their whole basement in that Silence of the Lambs motif.

  4. Cool show as usual, guys. Is it just me, though, or did it not seem like the pick was the worst book talked about. I’ve only read Tokyo Ghost of the books listed (really, really liked it but my pick is the Fade Out) but based purely on your discussion, it genuinely sounded like Batman: Eternal was by the worst thing you read this week. Conor lists a million things wrong with it and yet gives it a begrudging pass because it’s basically about the various Bat-sidekicks hanging out. Is this the most subjective pick of the week that any of you guys have ever picked?

    What I find particularly weird though is that main (only?) reason you liked this, Conor, was because it had the various Robins and Spoilers and Batgirls hanging out but, based on everything I’ve heard and what little I’ve read, how much do these characters have in common with the characters you loved before the New 52? I know you’ve been pretty open about your disdain about the ways that Damien, Dick, Jason and, worst of all, Tim have been handled of late so I’m really surprised by how much you liked a book that throws all these characters together.

    The only part of Batman: Eternal that I’ve read was the preview included in the Batman Day comic but even just that looked pretty dire.

  5. Hey guys thanks for answering my question. I agree, the legitimacy of collecting is the art form. I tried to get her into reading something like Y: The Last Man ( which is my favorite book) in hopes to have her understand it as an art form it. Ill email you a picture of my room.!

  6. Your hatred of the current costumes is well placed. I can’t think of a time with less visually appealing costumes than the 90s, but we’re getting pretty close.

    • We need more artists like Aja or Samnee who can just draw these guys without costumes. We don’t need screw with costumes but I feel like most of the time we are in a post costume world.

  7. For Stephen – some other books to check out:

    *Both Marvel and DC put out anniversary books within the last twenty years (Marvel’s was around ’89, DC’s was mid to late 90’s because it included “Death of Superman” in it). These are chock full of history on both companies, both the human side and the character/story side. I think there was a similar book (or documentary movie) on Image within the last couple of years.

    *Dan Raviv’s “Comic Wars,” covering the Marvel buyout in ’89 or ’90 and ending in 2000 with the premiere of “X-Men.” This is Bankruptcy Marvel, so you can see the forces that caused it and led to the rise of Marvel’s current brass (Avi Arad, Ike Perlmutter and Joe Quesada). If you read this, the 25th Anniversary book and Sean Howe’s book, you’ll have a great background on Marvel overall.

    *John Siuntres’ “Word Balloon” Podcast. Especially listen to any interviews he does with Marty Paskow; he’s a living institutional history of DC Comics, and if he wasn’t there, he knows the people who were. He also did a lot of liaison work with Warner Bros., so he’s got a lot of stories on the first Superman movie and the 90’s cartoons and TV shows. He’s also a great storyteller in his own right. You will not regret the time spent on these.

    *If you can find any online copies of the old fanzines like Back Issue, Alter Ego, and Amazing Heroes, as well as Tom Spurgeon’s The Comics Journal, these always have great material on creators, books, characters, stories, etc. from back in the day. The first three are more superhero focused, while TCJ is more “artsy,” so it gives you great background on art comics, foreign comics, the early indie scene, and so on.

    *Go to cons and talk to creators. My friends and I had a great time last fall talking up Bob Layton (he worked for Marvel from the late 70’s onward), and he was telling us all about him and guys like Walt Simonson, John Byrne, and some guy named Frank Miller all showing off their art to each other as they dropped it off at the Marvel office, and what the environment was like there in the 80’s. If these folks don’t have long lines (and sadly, a lot of the older creators don’t), start chatting them up and see where it goes.

    • Good ones!

      Another good book for anyone interested is Morrison’s Supergods. A really ingenious retelling of comic book history. Also Paul Levitz’ 5-volume series on the history of DC comics. These reprint and expand upon that gargantuan Taschen DC 75th Anniversary volume (edited into more manageable chunks). I only have “Golden Age” currently, but Silver and Bronze are available, with Dark and Modern Ages yet to come.

    • @Master Destructo: After the show ended I immediately thought of SUPERGODS and was annoyed at myself for forgetting it.

  8. @ifanboy In solidarity I have decided to participate in the Star Wars media black-out as well. I didn’t realize ‘we’ weren’t watching trailers. I have utterly failed all three of you. I am sorry.

    • This comment contains absolutely **No Spoilers**

      I completely respect anyone deciding on the black-out-route.

      But I do have to give J.J./Disney/Lucasfilm a lot of credit for a really thoughtful marketing strategy. Having seen all the (rather scarce) promotional material myself, I don’t feel like anything has been at all spoiled. And I think it’s entirely possible that Abrams has intentionally and subtly introduced certain expectations for the audience (via the trailers) that he can either subvert or have pay-off in unexpected ways via the film. In that regard, while it certainly isn’t *vital* for a viewer to have seen the trailer, it may in some minor way enhance the experience rather than diminish it. Personally, I’m very happy to have experienced that final trailer prior to seeing the film.

    • UPDATE:

      OK, I’m now joining team blackout.

      After seeing the Japanese international trailer, I kinda felt like I’d rather not have seen it. And now I hear rumor of spoiler-ish TV spots. I’m hanging up the blackout curtains in anticipation of the coming Blitz.

    • @Master Destructo: I’ve heard the same thing from several friends. Lots of regret for watching that one.

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