Weekly Sketch Up – 02.25.2011

Batman AND Robin by Declan Shalvey



Abe Sapien by David Petersen





Dex-Starr by Katie Cook



Batgirl and Robin by Mahmud Asrar




Dracula pencilled by Gene Colan, inked by Kevin Mellon




Thor by Dan Hipp (I own this! Bwahahaha!)




Sexy Batman by Jock



Doom Patrol by Paul Kercal 



Hulk by Doc Shaner



Cassidy by Mike Hawthorne



Logan vs. Spider-Man by Yildiray Cinar


Abe Sapien by Stephen Thompson


  1. David Petersen’s Abe Sapien is pretty fantastic.

    Awesome stuff all around though. 

  2. That Doom Patrol has me reaching for vol 1 of Morrison’s run.

  3. Wonderful sketches all. Cassidy is one scary bastard.

  4. Batgirls one eye looks funny. but it’s still a great picture. I would like to know how she got damian in the position so she could tie him up.

  5. D’awwwww Dex-Starr!

  6. I love art.  Amazing.

    Also, I think Jock and I have very different definitions of sexy. 

  7. Oh weekly sketch-up, how I love thee.

  8. Katie Cook’s stuff is really, for lack of a better word, cute.

    Also, Colan’s still got it!

  9. I’m picking my jaw up off the floor. Absolutely stellar stuff this week – LOVE the Colan Dracula. Mike Hawthorne’s Cassidy is yet another awesome Preacher sketch (see last week’s Francovilla’s (sp?) Jesse Custer), Doom Patrol is cool, and sexy Batman just made me laugh.

  10. Stephen Thompson’s Abe Sapien is amazing. I also love the action in the Logan vs. Spiderman picture. Very Dynamic.

  11. Declan Shalvey on Batman and Robin please!…..Especially since Gleason is out in two months.

  12. “Hulk is happiest one there is”- post coital Green Giant?

  13. The Dex-Starr one made me giggle and the Doom Patrol one made me gasp.

  14. Amazing week! Dex-Starr allowed me to share my comic passion with my cute cat loving girlfriend for just a few seconds, for that i am thankful. 

  15. Is Batman naked?

  16. Mahmud!  Mahmud!  Mahmud!  Mahmud! 

  17. The fact that my Doom pic is included makes me gasp especially next to the awesomeness on display. 

    As it was an iPod pic (brushes app) it also dumps out the data of the picture being drawn which I’d been working on an edit for. Seeing the pic in the sketch up page was the spur for me to get it finished… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ5Vv61cHHY Hope you like. 

  18. WOW x 12 – makes me glad to be a comic fan!

  19. dex-starr!!!!

  20. the misadventures of Dex-star ongoing by Katie Cook please

  21. RE: Batman. 

    Yeesh.  That just ain’t right.