Super Bowl Ad Round Up: ‘Iron Man 3’, ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’, ‘The Lone Ranger’ & ‘Under the Dome’!

Amidst a bizarre football game that was half boring and half exciting with a crazy power outage in the middle, there were some REALLY lackluster commercials. And amidst those there were some trailers for things that you might find interesting.

Iron Man 3

The above little teaser led to the below full length job:

I’m still really hopeful that this third installment will rebound after the disaster that was Iron Man 2. The trailer seems to indicate a more dark tone for Shane Black’s film, but Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has gone to great pains to let everyone know that we’ll get the light-hearted and action-packed romp that we’ve come to expect from the adventures of Tony Stark. We’ll see.

Star Trek Into Darkness

Other than Man of Steel, the new Star Trek film is, by far, my most anticipated film of 2013. I love that I know basically nothing about it and I want to keep it that way.

The Lone Ranger

I’ve always been a huge fan of The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Hell, I can even find some enjoyment in that horrible 1981 film. So to say that I’m excited about this would be an understatement. This looks like tons of fun.

Under The Dome

Why do I care about a new TV show based on a 2009 novel by Stephen King about a small northeastern town trapped behind a mysterious dome? Well, this show was developed, and is being executive produced, by Brian K. Vaughan who I imagine will be doing some writing on the show.


  1. It’s gonna be a good year!!

  2. Saw the Star Trek trailer… missed the others. Odd. The only other trailer I remember was Fast and Furious 6 – and I was like, “Six? Really?”

    • The FF films are a lot of fun. Total escapist entertainment but they are well made and fun to watch. Plus it’s the Rock, one of the only true action stars left in Hollywood.

    • Also, I know it’s not exactly the same as there have been different casts; but Into Darkness will mark the 12th Star Trek film. Did you say, “Twelve? Really?” Because that’s twice as many as the FF films.

    • And Star Trek doesn’t even have The Rock…

    • And just like the FF movies, the first Star Trek lacked almost any plot or high calibre acting. Don’t give it a pass simply because it’s Star Trek. Just like the FF films it was a lot of fun but really it was nothing more than escapist entertainment. I know the FF films look bad from the outside, and I’ll admit the first two aren’t great, but if you’ve never seen them they are worth watching.

    • Oh, I liked the first one.

  3. The online extended (or extensive) look at Iron Man 3 was hilarious. I’m really looking forward to this one. Once more, with feeling RDJ.

    The F&F movies are a guilty pleasure of mine, so I’m really excited for that one too.

    Man of Steel and Trek 2 are going to make this a memorable summer lineup.

  4. I’ ve only ever read the first Gunslinger novel by King and a handfull of short stories. I’d never heard of Under the Dome but after seeing the commercial I went online and did some reading about it and it sounds pretty interesting. For anyone who has read the novel…worth the read?

    • I loved the first Gunslinger novel, it remains my favorite Stephen King book. I haven’t read “Under the Dome”, but I’ve spoken to people who have and the response is mixed. One complaint is how long it is, I’ve read 8 or 9 King books and can attest that length can become an issue. “The Stand” is probably the best example of this, fantastic story but due to the length it drags heavily in some places. I would recommend other King novels before you take “Under the Dome” head-on, but that’s just my opinion.

  5. I’m alittle disappointed the “Under the Dome” trailer was mostly a teaser. But its been awhile since the last Stephen King tv miniseries so I’m still looking forward to it. I could care less about “The Lone Ranger”, just my feelings toward Disney in general I guess. “Iron Man 3” looks really spectacular, hopefully it ends up as the last and the best of the trilogy.

  6. All of these trailers were very underwhelming. Except for the Iron Man 3 trailer all of them were just shorten versions of what we already seen. Very bad year for Super Bowl commercials.

    And again I must stress that I liked Iron Man 2. Still don’t see how it was a ‘disaster’.

  7. Yeah Star Trek looks great! can’t wait.

    Dunno about these Iron Man trailers…i mean i’m probably there in the theatre anyhow, but not getting excited over this one yet.

  8. Let’s drop this on front street. Fast Six won.

  9. Johnny Depp is a great actor of course, but he seems like a weird pick for Tonto.

    • Maybe because he’s not Native American?

    • Come on, Zachary Quinto isn’t a Vulcan but he did a fine job as Spock.

    • I wasn’t even there the first time. I haven’t seen the last “Lone Ranger” movie and I have no intention of seeing this one, but it seems like Disney is over-relying on Johnny Depp for it’s film franchises (Pirates, now this).

    • Also, I really hope you’re not comparing Vulcans to Native Americans.

    • I guess if the franchise had a legacy of deep respect for Native Americans the character wouldn’t be named Tonto.

    • @ithosapen: Of course I wasn’t comparing Vulcans to Native Americans. It was a freaking joke. Are you kidding me? You thought I was serious? You know what the indication was it was a joke? VULCANS AREN”T FREAKING REAL!!! Come on man.

    • @Baykid, that’s a good point I had not considered. @Uspunx, I probably would’ve seen that joke as a joke had you not earlier defended the “Fast &Furious” series by comparing it to “Star Trek”. I’m not a Trek fan, but I can see all sorts of flaws in that comparison.

    • Haha, okay I’ll agree that wasn’t exactly an apples to apples comparison. (much like comparing my enjoyment of the FF movies to my potential insensitivity toward Native Americans is also not exactly a fair conclusion to draw) That said, I’m guessing you haven’t seen the FF franchise, and as I said above, I know it looks stupid and terrible from the outside but, and this is where the Trek comparison came in, like Star Trek it is simply escapist entertainment and a fun way to spend a summer afternoon. Nothing more.

    • Actually I have seen most of the FF movies except for “Fast 5”. After the 4th movie, I just said ‘done’. From the outside they look cool with the fast cars and hot women and now… I feel like this is all those actors have (except the Rock). If Diesel’s not careful it could up being his “Expendables”.

    • Yeah I totally see that about Vin Diesel. Ten years ago I thought he might be the next great action start, now he’s just another Jason Statham. Playing the same role over and over, in Diesel’s case literally. I will also say 5 might have been the best, as much as that word can be used with the FF movies, of the franchise. But in my opinion The Rock could make pretty much any action blockbusters better.

  10. Thanks for the links guys

  11. That wasn’t the Star Trek trailer I saw last night. What gives?

  12. Lets just hope that Star Trek isn’t another “Oh my god, we were attacked! We must now hunt down those that attacked us and stop them from doing worse things!”

    I am beginning to think that 9/11 was staged by hollywood just to give them a default plot line for badly written movies.

  13. So, where are the fire breathing, Extremis enhanced villains in the Iron Man movie. Marvel was terrified of appearing racist by having the Mandarin be Chinese, but by casting Ben Kingsley, they succeeded in denying a major film role to an far east Asian actor.

  14. Did anyone else think that Tony’s dialogue with Jarvis meant that he was going to have to let nine people die? It wasn”t til later that I found out that the “Oh boy” was because he’d have to make 4 trips.

  15. I didn’t know Stephen King had ripped off the Luna Brother’s concept for “Girls”…

  16. I really, really hope Iron Man 3 doesn’t end up being generically “Dark ‘n’ Gritty” because they are trying to be like the Nolan Batman films. So far, the “oh boy” scene is like the only funny, slightly quirky thing I’ve seen going into it. I’m saying this as a person who was brought into the comics fandom by the Avengers and Iron Man movies. Iron Man 2 may have been a slog, but at least it had more RDJ banter than you should shake a stick at. I am basically approaching IM3 expecting to be disappointed but ready to be happily surprised.