SkottieScott’s Skottie Young and Scott Morse Introduce Asher and Spittle Webcomic

When started up not too long ago, it was a place for Skottie Young and Scott Morse to do sketches and have some fun, and do some sketching. There were themes like Star Wars and Muppets, and a great number of links were sent around the internet at the wonderful pieces being posted and sold. Then they went on a little hiatus, promising to come back with something else.

Today, they did, introducing us to Asher and Spittle. Asher is Skottie’s creation, a beaver with a dim but lovable sense about him. Spittle is a weasel, created by Scott Morse. They’ll be telling a story together twice a week. Scott’s pages go up on Monday, and Skottie’s go up on Friday. Simple. The first page went up today, and like all good first tastes, it’s free. (All subsequent tastes are also free, it should be noted.) A dedicated website will be going up soon, as well.

In case you don’t know, Skottie Young is best known as the multiple Eisner Award winning artist of Marvel’s Oz series of books. Scott Morse is a respected graphic novelist (Magic Pickle) and artist/illustrator for Pixar. Morse was also one of the folks behind this year’s Tr!ckster in San Diego. The two of them take art and storytelling very seriously, and with a lot of passion. You can also follow them on Twitter at SkottieYoung and CrazyMorse.


  1. Skottie Young is unbelievably talented! I actually just ordered this spider-man cover of his on a stretched canvas for my office. Excited to read this webcomic.

  2. This is great. addind it to my web comics bookmarks now!

  3. OMG A SkottieScott webcomic? It’s like they have heard my prayers and answered them! This is going to be so much fun!

  4. Wow, This really cool