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Name: John Siuntres


wordballoon's Recent Comments
June 1, 2012 6:17 pm never said a majority Conor, just saying it's probably more than the d-list status than Josh and you are suggesting? and again I'm basing this on sales and continued production of alan scott based products... but by all means , you and Josh go with your guts...ewww ;)
June 1, 2012 6:02 pm ok Josh, now you're dead to me ;)
June 1, 2012 5:45 pm Sorry Conor but that ISNT what Josh wrote "As far as 95% of comic readers go, Alan Scott is a 70 year old blank slate. It’s not that no one knows who he is, it’s just that no one really cares." this is no different than in politics or sports. when you throw numbers around, you better be willing and able to back them up.
June 1, 2012 5:30 pm I too will miss the puffy shirt
June 1, 2012 4:37 pm Geez Conor, I'm well aware of that, but Josh's general theme still is that this is a character that doesn't have that big of a fan base . All I'm saying is that the sales numbers, and the fact that DC Direct has continued to create new GL/AS products like toys , statues action figures etc..and the mere fact that DiDio referred to AS as an "iconic character" at KAPOW likely suggests otherwise. There's an obvious reason why Alan Scott & Jay Garrick are repped in every incarnation of the JSA since their 60's revival. He's #2 only to Jay as the top dogs of the AA line, and again I'm thrilled that James Robinson loves AS as much as I do.
June 1, 2012 4:27 pm Josh I like you a lot personally and as you know truly enjoy your work as a fellow commentator on the comic biz, and the following is not meant as an attack , but as a disagreement of your "arguments/reasons" presented in this story. Unlike the arbitrary numbers of "8-14 alan scott fans" or that "95% of the comic reading audience doesn't know who Alan Scott is." .. here's some real sales numbers to consider... http://www.comicsbeat.com/2011/10/12/dc-comics-month-to-month-sales-august-2011/ In its last 6 months the pre new 52 sales (NOT store pre-order numbers) of the last Justice Society comics averaged about 25,000. its last issue was in the top 100 of diamond issue sales (85 In the 2000's JSA & Justice Society Of America was a top 10-20 book, and Alan Scott has been featured in DC books in every decade since they brought the JSA back in the early 60's. So, by all means Josh, tell me again that Alan Scott is a character with a tiny fan base , and that today's readers don't know who he is. Has the new 52 wiped all memory of what was on the stands less than a year ago?
June 1, 2012 2:04 pm diebenny-Give me a little credit , I did read plenty of the original 5 x-men's stories...however I'll confess to not knowing who Nate Grey was. josh-I saw David Gallagher give you similar smack for the 8-14 line too. I know you weren't being literal with your fan count (do I really need to say that?) , but I think you're still denying that Alan Scott might be a bit more popular than you gave him credit. especially given the many statues, toys ,and action figures they've made of him, as opposed to other golden age characters like the Ma Hunkle Red Tornado, or Dan Garrett Blue Beetle?
June 1, 2012 1:53 pm Don't you think that will be explained in the story? Can you at least wait for that to come out with out needing a spoiler?
June 1, 2012 1:17 pm Really Josh? Only 8-14 Alan Scott fans left on the planet? I must be one of the few. And those never ending lines of convention fans waiting to get Alan Scott stuff from his creator Martin Nodell must've all been Life Model Decoys. ;) To me, Alan Scott, like Jay Garrick really did represent an altternate comic book universe where the All American comics imprint DID have their own history and stars. Alan Scott & Jay Garrick were the stars of multiple books, just like Batman & Superman today In Two Morrow's magazines former DC writer/editor Bob Rozakis's wrote an entertaining alternate history of what might have happened had AA head Charlie Gaines bought out National Comics , instead of the reverse. It was Alan Scott and Jay Garrick getting the TV and movie treatment that Batman & Supes have enjoyed. It bothered me when DC made Alan young and called him SENTINEL , and that crappy power-ring looking costume he had in the last JSA book looked ridiculous. Robinson's use of him in THE GOLDEN AGE was inspired, and I loved Scott's character arc in the Robinson-Goyer-Johns JSA stuff. In the hands of a guy like Robinson, I'm sure the portrayal will be respectful and great, but I can't deny that it bothers me that DC choose one of my all time favorite heroes to retcon. But I'm also an older reader and understand the fact that publishers need to keep re-inventing their heroes to keep attracting new readers, so any reason to get Alan back on the main stage is ok with me.
April 27, 2012 11:31 am Mongo asked "would love to see him get Waid and Rucka to do a joint interview on their latest crossover, and maybe even get Wacker to join in. That would be great, and Johnny we would be doing really good." I already did that months ago when I presented the Marvel press conference the three did to support the crossover. http://wordballoon.blogspot.com/2012/01/marvel-news-from-bunn-wacker-waid-rucka.html