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Name: Edward Kolkebeck

Bio: I like juice


Another delightful treat from Matt Fraction, David Aja, Matt Hollingsworth, and the whole Hawkguy team. The bros make another appearance,…

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August 23, 2013 8:47 pm He was pretty tough in The Town
July 21, 2013 3:31 pm Maybe this is the first Black Canary, and Laurel Lance will become Black Canary II eventually.
July 21, 2013 1:57 pm What's the status on the Ant Man movie, anyways? Maybe they could introduce Pym in Avengers 2 or shield, and have the Ant Man movie spin out of Pym's involvement in Avengers 2.
July 19, 2013 10:44 pm I've always enjoyed Ultimate Spider-man, and I like Brian Wood's run so far on Ultimate Comics X-men. I'm going to be sad if those books end.
June 18, 2013 4:30 am I can understand your complaint about Clark Kent's lack of dialogue. I still felt connected to the character because Cavill did the best with what he was given. I thought he did a lot of great non-verbal acting (for example, the tornado scene and the scene in the bar). I also really, really liked the tone of his voice for Superman. In the scenes where Superman is telling the military what to do, I never felt like Superman was just barking orders. He was telling them what to do, but his tone was strong, calming, and reassuring instead of harsh and demanding. I'm one of those readers that hears voices when I read books. I read a portion of Birthright after seeing the movie, and I could definitely hear Cavill's voice when reading Superman's dialogue.
June 18, 2013 4:23 am Thanks for the podcast! Over the past year, my wife and I have made a tradition of listening to your Special Edition Podcast for movies we see on the way home from the theater. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. What star rating would you give the film?
June 14, 2013 6:43 am I think you're being a bit unfair to compare people who enjoyed this film to Phantom Menace apologists. This movie had some flaws, but it a lot of things right too. It was not of the same high quality of The Dark Knight or the Avengers, but I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable. I personally think it is on par with Batman Begins (both are very entertaining movies that have some flaws). I liked the portrayal of Krypton, and I thought Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams, and Antje Traue gave great performances. I was not a huge fan of Zod (his character felt very one-note). Faora was a scene stealer. The movie is extremely similar to Batman Begins structurally. We have scenes of a troubled young man wandering alone cut with scenes of his childhood, training sequence in cold weather, hero returns home, a threat from the past emerges, hero faces the threat and discovers his destiny. I bet if you placed a plot outline of Man of Steel side by side with a plot outline of Batman Begins, they would line up extremely will.
June 14, 2013 12:30 am I'm sitting in the theater right now. I haven't been this excited for a movie in a very long time. I'm normally not a midnight premiere kind of guy, but there's just something special about seeing superman on the big screen. I can't wait for it to start
April 17, 2013 2:19 am It's about SuperIKJGUIOYJKHFGH
April 16, 2013 10:38 pm I watched the trailer, I almost cried, then I ran around my apartment with my arms extended pretending I was flying like Superman. Now my wife thinks I'm weird