
Name: Daniel Vacura


vacur005's Recent Comments
June 19, 2021 3:13 pm If you ever find the time which I know is asking a lot, I would recommend watching the Injustice: Gods Among Us cut scene movie since there is a story. Tom Taylor was just told with the digital comic that Joker is killed by Superman and was responsible for the death of Lois and Metropolis otherwise he was essentially allowed to do what he wanted. Tom Taylor should have been given a Green Arrow and Black Canary comic and does write Harley Quinn very well. I don’t like the voice of Joker in the game. That is for sure.
June 19, 2021 3:09 pm In regards to Earth 2, the evil Superman that appeared in that wasn’t actually Superman. It was the Earth 2 version of Bizarro which I found to be a weaker choice compared to Superman just being turned evil by Darkseid since it took away from interactions with Lois who became the Earth 2 Red Tornado among other characters. The actual Superman, Batman, and Wonder were all killed in that first issue. Now I love Injustice Year One even with the art issues along with Year Two and Year Three. The art is more consistent after the first year. Tom Taylor only did the first half of Year Three before becoming exclusive to Marvel which thankfully ended and then Brian Buccellato finished off Year Three with Tom Taylor’s ideas. Year Two was the war of the Green Lanterns with Hal becoming a Yellow Lantern and Year Three dealt with the magic characters. Tom Taylor wrote a great Constantine in Year Three which made sense years later with later series. Tom Taylor just knows how to write DC characters well. He finally gets to write Superman where I know a lot would prefer Clark, but I’m excited for it. He should have been given Justice League long ago honestly. I would strongly recommend Injustice Year Three Chapters 13 and 14 which was Taylor’s send off before going to Marvel. You see what Superman really wanted to happen and it certainly wasn’t what went down with Injustice. Bruce ends up with Diana which is from the Justice League animated series and Lois lives where they have a daughter, Lara. Superman ends up in a Kingdom Come type costume as Lara grows up. It’s so good. Then Tom Taylor did the Injustice 2 comics set before that game which were very good and had better art than Year One. You see a more modern Bruno Redondo there. The final issue annual as a flashback was great too.
June 19, 2021 3:14 am Cue Starlord from GOTG Vol. 1. “Finally.”
May 15, 2021 1:36 pm I’m shocked that Conor hasn’t read The Long Halloween in about 20 years. That does make more sense with not listing it as one of the best Batman stories other than Year One, Arkham Asylum, and The Dark Knight Returns in the old iFanboy video which was a huge mistake back then. It’s one of the best Batman stories and there’s no way that the two part film will be as faithful as The Dark Knight Returns two parter. I hope I’m wrong, but I have a feeling I won’t be especially if they change the ending in part 2. They were never going to actually do the Tim Sale style and it was not approximated. It might be the same scenes, but it’s not the same style at all. This isn’t Justice League: The New Frontier adapting DC: The New Frontier. It also would have cost more money to make it look like Tim Sale’s art. WB isn’t doing that for direct-to-video features.
May 15, 2021 1:18 pm Matt Bomer was good as Superman in Superman: Unbound, but is very good at voicing Barry and is great as Negative Man in Doom Patrol. He wanted to be Superman in live-action and is a better actor than Henry Cavill. He is fantastic in Walking Out where he is a very good actor.
May 15, 2021 1:14 pm My biggest issue with the movie was the complete lack of respect that Brainiac gets. Essentially any other villain would have worked better since you don’t use a big Superman villain in this movie for the team-up where Flash takes him out.
May 15, 2021 1:06 pm Paul saying the script was messier and not as tight as they usually are for this movie surprised me. Messy would be an understatement for pretty much every single DC animated universe movie that was inspired by the New 52. Apokolips War was a disaster. This movie took plot points from an abandoned Wonder Woman animated series and it was clearly in development when 5G was the plan with Wonder Woman being the first hero while leading the JSA. It seemed like it was part of the animated universe as started by Superman: Man of Tomorrow. It’s the same style in the upcoming Batman: The Long Halloween two parter. They are building to a new Justice League team up movie in this new universe. It ended abruptly to say the least with her saying yes. Wally West in the Justice League animated series just named himself the Flash. There was no Jay Garrick in that universe so it’s fine with Barry naming himself. That happened in the Flash show with Grant Gustin not needing Jay to get the name.
May 9, 2021 3:13 pm I am shocked that Josh is staying with the Vader comic which isn’t good right now. The reveals with Luke’s hand and Exegol where Vader was aware of it makes TROS worse than it already was. They need to quit trying to fix TROS and explain everything since nothing makes it better. Vader as a Force ghost when he is Anakin again deciding to not tell Luke about Exegol after ROTJ makes that character. The current Star Wars run isn’t very good either. Only the Charles Soule Vader run was consistently very good other than that first arc out of the Marvel Star Wars ongoing series. Doctor Aphra is fun as long as you ignore her surviving get let out of an air lock by Vader making Vader look like an idiot and the fan fiction evil R2 and C-3PO. It still stinks that the quality of writing for the books and comics dropped so much since Disney bought Star Wars. The comics have never been worse than in this era. John Ostrander is available and would be better than anyone else writing these comics as the best Star Wars comics writer ever. I know John Jackson Miller and Haden Blackman won’t do it with their current positions. It’s incredibly sad.
May 9, 2021 12:16 pm As far as children or teenage Green Lanterns, there was Kai-Ro from Batman Beyond who was a child and part of the future Justice League. I’m still surprised that character has not been brought into the main continuity in some way. You have a Tibetan child Green Lantern who was given the ring after John Stewart where he was raised in a Buddhist temple. I’ve heard Far Sector is great, but I’ve never read it and I also like Teen Lantern.
May 8, 2021 9:28 pm Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg were responsible for getting the Preacher show made and it wasn’t great. That’s when they were more active in writing, directing, and creating the show. They did much better with The Boys and weren’t as hands on in their producer roles along with Invincible since they helped find the show runners. According to Robert Kirkman, the live-action Invincible movie they are attached to produce is still in development. I don’t see it ever getting made. Kirkman created the Invincible show and he gets final say on most things. It was his idea to the 40-45 minute animated series and everyone just went with it. Jason Mantzoukas is one of his friends who he said would always get a role in the show and I am very impressed with the voice cast.