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Name: shawn piazza



Writing a review for book that never lets you down is pretty difficult. After awhile it all starts to sound…

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For me, Final Crisis issue #1 was rather disappointing. Whether it be the bitter taste in my mouth from the…

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The continuing story of Batman RIP is truly astounding. The groundwork established by Grant Morrison over the last 20+ issues…

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thepizza24's Recent Comments
June 28, 2008 7:42 pm I went to see him at an aspen panel at Wondercon, but he was not there because of his health problems. It's unfortunate to see him pass, but even more so for Aspen considering he really was the reason for many to even look at the company's work.
May 23, 2008 2:55 am

@ Cutty


Justice League is not a series of one shots, but last issue just happened to be one. filler most likely.  

May 22, 2008 8:53 pm yeah, this arc really is showing how great this book can be.
May 6, 2008 9:08 pm

I bought a collection of trades in search of kingdom come on ebay about a year ago, and among the trades was vol. 1 of the invisibles. As I read it I was thinking matrix all the way, and what do u know??? he thought they stole his idea too. Anyway, don't let anyone tell you that good things can't come from comic lots on ebay. This was an awesome read, and I highly reccomend it to anyone looking to branch out a bit from the capes. 



P.S- If you liked this, try transmetropolitan. It's pretty out there as well.

April 9, 2008 8:09 pm i was debating whether or not to buy this for months, but after seeing the pages... im just not that into manga. . .
April 7, 2008 9:02 pm

Looks cool, definetely grabbing it

@ Mattk and Cenguist- I'm sure  you can just jump right in. They'll prolly have some background stuff on all the main characters for a few issues. 

March 20, 2008 4:26 am This was just... well, if you've read the originals, you'll want to make sure to read this mini.