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Name: Jacob Shemkovitz

Bio: BK


shemko's Recent Comments
February 1, 2012 10:03 am Star Wars has been an extended universe since very early on, though. I see this more like a TV series about the world of Citizen Kane.
February 1, 2012 9:46 am I didn't say better, I said interconnected. By that, I mean the original had so many threads interwoven through the narrative - visual motifs, themes - that has not been matched so far. It was a uniquely dense work. These creators, under this publisher, will not be writing in the same style. Nothing against the creators, it's just a unique voice. And I think it's fair to call this effort less original than Watchmen.
February 1, 2012 8:12 am Will the purple lady be photoshopped into all of the issues?
February 1, 2012 7:32 am I made the show a logo, DC Entertainment style. http://t.co/qoaKo5fn
February 1, 2012 7:26 am It's a given that they'll never come near the interconnectedness of the original series, not to mention originality. I like some of some of the creators, but I'm just going to think of these as supplementary material, and breathe. It is a real cash-in, though, ennit?
February 1, 2012 7:19 am "the Watchmen"?
January 30, 2012 6:43 pm If they really want to use the entire movie continuity, the fun thing to do would be Age of Apocalypse. Check it: Opening of the movie is the original films' timeline ('present'). We are reintroduced to several characters. Legion (briefly teased at the end of Last Stand) is a kid with alpha-level powers. Last Stand left it that Magneto was probably depowered and that Xavier was in Legion's mind, so this could be developed into some catharsis for Legion where he regains his own mind but sees everything that Magneto has done and decides he'd be better off dead. X-Men have to fight him, but he reaches a frail and weak Magneto, who convinces him that he won't solve any of the problems of the world by killing him. Legion thinks about it, and decides that he'll have to kill Magneto when he became a crazy terrorist back in the 60s. He travels back in time to... First Class timeline. Use this opportunity to put together a good conflict here, as Xavier and his team are trying to stop Magneto's militant anti-human ways. Legion appears and immediately stops Magneto from doing some terrorism (assassinating Kennedy? That's something I heard Vaughn was talking about). Magneto gets away and Xavier confronts Legion about the wrongness of it - that Erik has the potential for good. There is another confrontation where Legion tries to kill Magneto, but he accidentally kills Charles instead. Nooooo! he is shocked back to the 'present', but... It is the Age of Apocalypse timeline, where we are thrown right into the action - a vastly different group of mutants are formed as freedom fighters against Apocalypse (maybe aided by Cyclops and an old Dark Beast?). The group is composed of characters (and actors) from the original 3 movies, but in different costumes & roles. You know, Wolverine has one hand, Nightcrawler is a little nastier, maybe Sabretooth and Wild Child are there. And they're led by Magneto, played by Ian McKellen in the most badass role he'll ever hope to have. Rogue would be a little young for him, but whatever. They all storm Apocolypse's fortress and there's some trick when they miraculously and dramatically defeat him that Legion, who has seen the error in his ways, is transported back to the 60s. The resolution is that the film ends back in the 60s, Legion doesn't kill anyone, and actually now sympathizes with Magneto. Thus, seeds are kept for a next film set in this continuity but not beholden to the first 3 films. You'd have to explain early in the film that the X-Men had stopped Apocolypse when he was a small fry in the original continuity, and you'd have to get a LOT of actors together, but what a fun romp that would be! Not the small budget of First Class, but it could be awesome.
January 24, 2012 11:16 am Dave Sim was the master of this kind of thing back in Cerebus. More people should read it.
January 24, 2012 11:14 am This would be cool on a tablet if you had the forethought to turn off auto-rotate. At least the reading experience wouldn't be interrupted by right-side-up ads.
January 24, 2012 10:51 am Great concept with great art, I'm glad this is coming out, and it sounds like something that could just be successful. About that promotional art - Does Image offer graphic design services as part of their fee? These look really amateur and don't do the art the justice it deserves. I'm glad the book itself has a sound letterer, but I'm worried that front and back-matter may leave a bad impression of the book if they are put together in the same way as these promos.