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Name: Andy Neumann

Bio: Make mine Marvel! (mostly)



Well, for one, this really should have been 17.1. Because the United We Stand portion of Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t even…

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After the sour taste left in my mouth following Fear Itself 2 and 3, I was pissed that they were…

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NOTE: The beginning of this story mirrors the final pages of Venom #8, so read that first if you are…

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neums's Recent Comments
April 21, 2012 10:37 pm Best to just Google it or track down the artist's email and ask them direct.
April 21, 2012 12:01 am @MisterShaw good suggestion. My only issue with sketchbooks is that you can't have it out to multiple artists, just one at a time. Maybe if there was a Moleskin with some kind of loose interior binding to it so you could put plastic sheet protectors in?
April 20, 2012 3:29 am That sketch would have been epic, nay, legen.......wait for it......dary!
April 19, 2012 11:02 pm Yeah, too true.
April 19, 2012 8:42 pm @jackietam - Reed put out Purell dispensers outside every panel room at C2E2. I didn't really see them on the show floor, though. They also had ice water in those large "sports team" tubs. Every time I ran dry on my water, I'd take the trip to them to refill.
April 19, 2012 7:48 pm @kmanifesto - Most definitely he is. I bought a bunch of prints from him at Wizard World Austin in Nov. '10, when he wasn't on full art duties yet and was doing guest bits here and there. He was super cool, and I can pull the hipstery "I knew him before he was mainstream" comment out now.
April 19, 2012 7:45 pm Nice. It looks like Gwen Stefani cosplaying as Power Girl
April 19, 2012 4:39 pm Also, Milne went the extra step and actually explained how he transformed, and what parts of my car were where. I like to assume that the thumb conceals the Autobot badge. I think he was doing purple backgrounds for Decepticons, also.
April 19, 2012 4:37 pm At Skottie young's booth at C2E2, I have a feeling he was maybe trying to scare away some commissions seekers, because of his pricing. He asked $60 for a sketch and $200 for a full on commission. I think it was easier on him to just sketch, and only the hardcore collectors would fork over that much, so he was trying to dissuade the casual, or non-serious, collectors from commissioning anything. I went for a sketch, but since I wasn't early enough, I was at the end of the list, and unfortunately he couldn't get to me by Sunday. But he didn't need to offer a refund, as he said to only pay after the sketch was done. I dunno if he had the same policy on commissions, but I thought that was extra cool of him. And he was gracious enough to apologize for being unable to do something for me and he was nice enough to agree to a photo. So, I saved $60 and I got a photo. Win/win, in a sense.
April 19, 2012 4:33 pm Whenever I get so much as a doodle from an artist in the alley, free or paid, I shake their hand, say thank you, and even ask them for a picture with either them and the work or the two of us and the work.