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Name: Louis Berman


lberman's Recent Comments
April 21, 2011 12:11 am I thought this book was terrible. They didn't let the art tell the story at all, they relied on corny writing. I'm so sick and tired of DC trying to mix origin stories. Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne teaming up before they were heroes was even more ridiculous than Jor-El and Thomas Wayne meeting. They should call this series Buried instead of Grounded.
April 21, 2011 12:06 am The art in this book was absolutely terrible, especially when Connor is getting his face beaten in. Apparently half Kryptonian half humans turn grey when they're getting abused in the rain. Incredibly disappointing. Connor Kent hasn't been drawn right since Manapul made a run at him in Adventure Comics.
April 20, 2011 7:20 pm Seeing The DCUO Universe develop is very exciting. Lex Luthor is as deceptive and terrible as ever, and I love the development of Ray Palmer. I love that the writers have the freedom to explore such a shattered world. This book takes me back to the Camelot Falls story arch where Superman is gone and everyone has to fend for themselves. The last page however, is the highlight of the series so far. 
April 20, 2011 7:12 pm
The very few panels that Tim Drake made an appearance in were written well. I think that they're doing a good job of showing his struggles of integrating back as the leader of The Teen Titans after his absence. The art was decent at times, but my biggest complaint is that Conner is written so blandly. He's just there with an "S" on his chest and doesn't really do or say anything exciting. I know it's difficult to develop six different characters in such a short book but I think they can do a better job of not graying out some of the Titans, at the cost of developing others.