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Name: Evan

Bio: Consultant of sorts living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My first comic was Silver Surfer #50 (Infinity Gauntlet prologue) but it wasn't until Preacher and Dark Horse's Legend imprint that I was in for good. Favorite imprint: Vertigo; Favorite current series: Wonder Woman; Most looking forward to: Inhuman.

kmob181's Recent Comments
December 16, 2012 3:14 pm So who is going to get eaten in this series?
December 6, 2012 4:06 pm I think so. But also on populism more generally. There was certainly the security aspect as you so correctly point out but it was also interesting that the Separatists were all capitalist forces such as the banking guild or the trade federation. This could be interpreted as a commentary on leaders like Hugo Chaves or Ahmedinejad in Iran who made fighting capitalist oppression and defending democracy the centerpiece of their populist platforms. Of course like the security threat argument this is just another sham designed to let a leaders accumulate unprecedented power - just in a slightly different way.
December 5, 2012 1:18 pm Image is the heir and that's good but I would argue the aesthetic, the tone and look of Image books are not the same as Vertigo. I can't quite put it into words but Vertigo books seem grittier, darker - even the lines are blurry. Image is edgy but their books are still brightly colored. Once Sweet Tooth ends I still have Fables, American Vampire, Unwritten, and Saucer Country. I think DC will let American Vampire and Unwritten finish - even though the former going on hiatus makes me nervous - both being at or past the halfway point and neither of the books seems to be losing money. Saucer Country is still new so who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets truncated into 20-30 issues. That will probably be the end of ongoings at Vertigo with the exception of Fables which is still a money maker. Speaking of ongoings, I remember a solicitation for something called Collider that was supposed to debut this past fall. Presumably it died a quiet death. Like Vertigo. If I had to guess once these current projects wrap up Vertigo will become Fables-verse, creator minis (for DC creators, max 12 issues) and movie/book/toy/adaptations.
December 5, 2012 10:21 am Good idea. Thankee.
December 5, 2012 10:19 am The prequels did suck - as movies. But for a historian of politics and religion they were actually quite brilliant. The galaxy is essentially given a choice between, on the one hand a hyper-military superpower which, while power hungry, self-interested, and brutal does generally safeguard the universe from conflicts and threats and, on the other, a group of religious jurists who, although largely beneficent in their intent are entirely detached from the everyday realities of the ordinary person, and have been increasingly radicalized by decades of conflict to the point that they think they know better than the elected government. If you want to oversimplify we could call it America after the first Gulf War versus Iran a year or two after the revolution. Lucas gives every indication that neither option is palatable. So for the story to work and connect back to the original trilogy the Jedi, as they currently existed, had to be wiped out. So did the Empire. Because the right answer turns out to be the very basic message of the original trilogy that Mike has so eloquently stated: Faith in human relationships, not technology or religious doctrine, is what endures. So actually by reviling the prequels you are embracing Lucas better than Lucas could and, in so doing, making the world a better place. Plus the way the Emperor pulled together the Empire was positively Machiavellian but I'll stop (non-comic book) nerding off now.
December 5, 2012 4:15 am Supposedly this article is what Brian Wood will be attempting to do over at Dark Horse. Strip the story down to essentials, and forget about the prequels, books, and comics. It might not be a bad preview into what could happen with the next films.
December 5, 2012 2:29 am Does anyone have a complete list of exactly which Marvel titles are of the $3.99 double-shipping variety? I know Avengers, Spider-Man, and Wolverine and the X-Men are. Is Thor God of Thunder a double shipper also or just $3.99?
December 5, 2012 2:25 am If you're worried about your wallet console yourself with the once monthly New Avengers. That's what I'm doing. If adjectiveless Avengers turns out to be great you can always get it in trade or buy the back issues when you are in a more fiscally sound position.
November 29, 2012 7:01 am Thanks guys. Also happy to hear there will still be a vertigo in 6 months.
November 27, 2012 4:30 pm Does anyone know how long the hiatus will be?