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Name: Adam Cummins

Bio: Adam is co-host of an X-Men comics commentary podcast called Danger Room. We tackle every issue of X-Men, starting from #1 in 1963! You can find us on the web at http://redcatproductions.com/dangerroom/ and on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/DangerRoomPodcast and by rss feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/dangerroompodcast


karmictoast's Recent Comments
October 19, 2011 9:06 am Argh! That'll teach me not to double check my memory!
October 18, 2011 3:49 pm No Jason Aaron in the solicit either, I noticed. I'd like to see Jean Grey's reaction to Hope. She could align with her (and Cable's coming back this year as well I guess) and form a new X-Team (separate from Teams Wolverine and Cyclops), the Phoenix Force (with Rachel Summers to boot). Okay, I may've just gone off the rails there. For those of who spend a lot of time thinking about the X-Men, I co-run a podcast called Danger Room. Check us out! http://www.redcatproductions.com/dangerroom http://www.facebook.com/DangerRoomPodcast
October 14, 2011 2:47 pm I've been out of collecting weekly paper comics for six years. I had an epiphany six years ago, buying my stack, that I really didn't care enough to purchase things on a weekly basis anymore. The store owner of my least favorite local shop kept answering the phone and leaving me to wait and after about 10-20 minutes of standing there waiting (strangely enough my mother and kid sister were with me) I dropped my stack and left. Now, partially because of the new 52, partially because my girlfriend told me I should support the industry I love (I buy hardbound graphic novels, I responded, but how could I resist?), I find myself collecting 5 or 6 titles. And I have to say, it's left me less than jazzed. I just don't think superheros in comic book form are the direction this medium ought to be heading. There just doesn't seem to be as much that's new or refreshing, which isn't to say new or refreshing isn't possible, but as a generic catch-phrase-call-to-arms, I vote for less old superheros, more new stories. I'll give this resurged collectionism three more months and see how I feel then.
August 1, 2011 10:21 am I had a cat named Klunk once.

I feel like these are a bit expensive though. The two hardcovers' content doesn't even add up to the original $16 trade paperback content. Glad that IDW is doing something with these old books, but wish it wasn't so pricey.
June 22, 2011 9:18 am Perhaps before he dies, someone will get bitten by a radioactive Spider-Man! This was a great run. It can be nice when stories end. Even though in comics, things tend to end and then continue.
January 11, 2010 7:18 pm I have mixed feelings about this as I just read that John Malkovich has said he's playing the Vulture in the Raimi Spider-Man 4. Maybe they could make two movies.