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Name: Jonathan

Bio: A recent re-newbie to comics, I was a big fan of Valiant and DC as a kid, but left comics for about 15 years. I did not come back as the result of an event. I am a Ph.D. student at a business school and found it much easier (and satisfying) to keep up my reading habit with comics rather than traditional books. Being a student of business, I also find it amazing that comics exist as an industry given the market structure and dependence on one distributor. Regardless, I'm happy they do exist and attempt to keep the industry alive by giving it all my money.


jnbund's Recent Comments
January 30, 2012 8:57 pm I've been pulling Animal Man and Swamp Thing digitally a month behind to save a couple bucks, but I'm giving in; I cant take the waiting any more! They are so good, and I am so so weak. On the bright side, I can still wait a month for Action because nothing seems to be happening (crap, I just angered the Morrison gods; I'm scared now!). BQ: they were annoying then, they're still annoying now, but I like the wassup bud light guys. I still catch myself saying it...to my dog anyway.
January 28, 2012 11:43 am Does anyone know the digital status of this book?
January 23, 2012 9:09 pm Double bummer. I wish they had a Double Secret Avengers.
January 23, 2012 4:22 pm Bummer, but not surprised. Tis the life of a b-list character based on an Egyptian moon deity. For me, this was easily the best book Marvel was putting out. Maybe we'll see more of Moon Knight in the team books? He's in Secret Avengers right (I'm not reading it)? Maybe I'll have to start.
October 6, 2011 11:07 am You don't see enough "Yipees" in comics these days.
September 28, 2011 1:35 pm YESSSSS! DC has done well in bringing the B-listers to the forefront through key roles in the event books (Firestorm, Deadman, bringing back Aquaman, Hawkman,etc.), why not Lobo? Seems a much better idea than, oh, I don't know...Hawk and Dove!
June 28, 2011 8:10 pm What if your father is a superhero? I've always had a suspicion that I'm the son of Aquaman...