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Name: beatriz bravo

Bio: hey there!girl geek here! i've always loved the seuquential art but my reading in that area has mostly been with the japanese manga. now after a few years in college i've decided to get back into american comics and i couldn't be happier with the selection. i'm partial to marvel comics but love batman anyway.i'm an aspiring cartoonist and hope that i can learn about comics from the west now.

gwingangel's Recent Comments
March 25, 2008 2:53 am wow i feel really behind. there isn't anyting i need this week. i really nee to get myself some cash so i can just drown myself in comics.
March 24, 2008 2:53 am gods this series is my guilty pleasure. it's soooo sexist but the art is gorgeous and i think frank miller's writing is different. ugh! i can't wait to get my hands on this issue!!
March 24, 2008 2:47 am

oh wow. i think i might pick up the trades. i always sort of sto to look at it when i'm a henley's but for some reason i never really felt like i should get it. maybe i'll take a chance with the first trade.
