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Name: michael

Bio: You can find me in NYC. Twitter: @excalipoor



I’m not digging Khoi Pham. But I like the plot and the script. Especially the line “He alpha flighted ’em.”…

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November 27, 2008 3:53 pm nice one. too bad for connor, he can't distinguish among the hughs.
November 24, 2008 8:05 pm i'm not sure about buying the issue. but i digg the cover. i don;t know much about mike choi though. is he a cover only artist?
November 24, 2008 7:38 pm a great article. i just digged it. Thanks for letting me what "be yourself" really means. Now I need to get rid of all my clothes that I've been wearing since HS. Same goes to someone who still wears them on their video podcast. Now I'll try on some red or blue lantern clothes instead of green. =p
July 3, 2008 12:39 am

Dammit. I am so late to this topic. I didn't notice it until I saw the screencap on the bbq episode.

even though i'm way too late.  here's mine:

1. I''s - I don;t think a lot of people heard of this one. It's basically the story of a guy has a crush on this girl. When he finally get a chance to hang out with his crush, his childhood friend has return to japan and thigs got complicated. it has 15 volumes, but the first one or two should be good enough to pull you in. This book made me remind of my high school days that could have been, =p

2. Kodaichi case files - A 17 yr old high schooler caught in murder cases. Each volume is a seperate case file. Unlike Detective Conan, no magic stuff. no kids. It's all about solving the case. Read the first 2 volumes should be enougheven though they have like 30 caess now.

3. one piece - it's really long and it's ongoing. this on emight require you to read at least 4 volumes. but this is mostly action packed, so there are not as many texts, but i was sold because there are just so many hilarious gag in the books, even though sometimes it can get serious. this is one manga that is better in print than in anime.

4. rurouni kenshin - nice period piece, and it's intersting becuase the artist has a huge influence from american comics, so some of the characters are  more americanized.

the problem with some of the good mangas is the slow burn. they always taken like a few volumes in order to get the joy out of the story. they usually start with actions first before the plot start to sink in.

i really didnt like neon genesis. the anime is the reason made me stop watching anime in general. interesting plot but it was slow. there a many periods of dead air in there. another problem with manga artist in general is the fact that they dont know how to give a good ending to their stories. it's always a lot of disappointment.

hope the guys from ifanboy able to catch this comment even though its been 2 weeks late.  

June 29, 2008 11:57 am did u guys tricked him to do this interview by cornering him to a corner of the balcony? i didn't know u guys use mob like tactics. lol.
June 29, 2008 8:44 am

I did read the comic book when it first came out. It was something that is so different from what we read out there. Of course the ending of the story was really cool. It seems like a lot of you guys who doesn;t like the movie has to do with the movie is so different from the book. Some of you didn;t like it because you think they changed the tone of the movie to be more realistic and having a problem with everyone can curve the bullet. Some of you even say who came up with this crap. But in the book, Wesley is the one who has this kind of shooting ability, the movie just expanded it to the rest of the people. People expecting this movie suppose to be realistic, but the comic book itself kinda sound like that, but at the end, you realize it's another fictional world. So I don't understand why curving a bullet defy physic and stuff. Just have to realize that this is still a comic book movie.

The story of the story is still true to the comic books. Wesley's feeling he's a nobody, his training to be in the society and be a really good killer, everyone in the movie are all bad people, his relationship with his father, how the league of bad guys can still form an organization without a lot of problems, and of course the ending of him telling us the viewer that we are pathetic are still in the movie, which the comic book has.

People in my movie theater gave a huge applause after the movie was over. people were really enjoyed the movie. of course there are some flaws in the movie, but may be becuase i treated it as a comic book movie, so anything that is not necessary realistic i can give forgive some of that.

however, wanted is really good, but this weekend it belongs to wall-e. that movie was really good, and they dont even have a lot fof dialogues in the movie. My top 3 for this summer right now is Wall-e, ironman, and wanted. hulk is a good movie, but it's not up there. I'll definitely buy those 3 movies when the dvds are out. 

May 16, 2008 3:03 pm Wow. Conor, you described this conflicted feeling toward comics entering mainstream perfectly. I defintely agree with you. I saw the link to the exhibit, at least that's serious. The clip is ok. I don't think it was offensive. Overall, a fantastic article.
May 16, 2008 2:52 pm Wow. Nice post. My LCS was gone 8 years ago. It was called Chameleon in Flushing, Queens. That store was the place for kids to buy comics, trading cards, and game cards. However, it was gone after the landlord of that block raised the rent. He was trying to drive all the stores out of that block, so he can sell it to the chinese for more. Now, that whole block of main street is a bunch of little stores that sell things that are not interesting, unless you wanna buy an unlocked iphone. So now, I only go to JHU or Midtown timesq for comics, and becuase of the distance, I don't go there on a weekly basis. Does anyone know there are any LCS in Queens?
May 9, 2008 11:14 am

Wow. That's a lot to take. I didn't read the E for Extinction arc, but I did read the rest. Fantomex is a wierd character, but I didn't like that arc at all. One part that I didn't like at all was the fact that Xorn is Magneto. Xorn was about to grow on me as my favourite character and then he ruined it. Magneto's death was bad. Killing Phoenix didn't bother me. I was bored with the Future arc at the end. Overall, Morrison's run is controversal. However, there are still some good stuff came out of it.

1. The X uniform. - It was really different from before. especially wolferine's. Not the best, but it led to the uniforms on Astonishing X-men, which is my favourite. 

2. Introduction of Dust - She was not fogotten after Morrison's run, but instead, she is on Young X-men eversince.

3. Second Mutation - Even though House of M killed it. Some of the character's second mutation was useful.

4. Students from New X-men - Most of them lost their powers becuase of House of M and became members of New Warriors.

5. The Love Triangle - Hey. I actually like Cyclops and Emma Frost together more than with Jean Grey.

6. Emma Frost's Uniform - Do I have to say anymore? Did anyone actually attempt to wear that at conventions?

These are some of the things that came out good and it's in continuity. I think House of M was worse becuase it killed off all those characters that were created during Morrion's run. 

April 12, 2008 1:47 pm This will be my first comic convention ever. I got my weekend pass, and I'm looking forward to meet you guys.