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Name: Dave LeDressay


canuckster's Recent Comments
May 14, 2010 2:43 pm

I loved every issue of Booster up until this issue.  Right form the cover I didn't like it.  The Bwahaha seems to be mocking the title to me.  I don't really know these writers and I'm not sure if its the combination of the two but wow so wordy and they seem to have changed the character drastically from the last issue.  Now I know that new writers will bring there own style to a character but this is too big a change between Johns, Jurgens and Dixon and Remender they kept the tone and the character very close, but this Booster I don't like way to jokey for me and the whole colnel idiot and bathroom jokes gimme a break.  I just hope they make some changes for next issue to get it a little closer to what it was before. I hope they don't screw up the Max Lord story line to much either.  Just Really Disappointed.

February 10, 2010 11:29 am I agree this is one of my top 3 books Booster Gold is too under appreciated.  But when Bruce Wayne gives you the nod you know your doing something right.  In issue 5 where he keeps going back trying to save Barbara Gordon over and over and is getting the crap kicked out of him by Joker shows what a great hero he really is. 
February 9, 2010 3:58 pm I found the art in the last issue just terrible