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Name: Christopher Hubble

Bio: Pull List: All New All Different Avengers, Black Science, Descender, East of West, Robin Son of Batman, Dr. Strange, the new Spidey book with Miles Morales (whenever it comes out). Also slowly reading back issues or collected editions of Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" saga and Kamandi.



Damian’s confrontation with Talia was a little meh, but I like where this is going.

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Wow … I don’t usually get weepy at the end of a comic book … but DAMN!

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cahubble09's Recent Comments
June 19, 2011 1:31 am This is only issue #1, but I'm 150% sold at the moment ... still kind of in wait and see mode at the moment though. The use of Kirby and Bobbi as a narrative device is loads better than Pandora's Urn in Project Superpowers ... and they're believable, human characters (although the "hey let's go party" scenario at the beginning was a bit contrived ... whatever ... not a big deal). I enjoyed the artwork. It was certainly better than Project Superpowers. The supes and the city under the city are BIG enough that this feels like Kirby to me ... although I'm sure I've read far less than some others to know ...
June 17, 2011 2:26 pm @LukeB  Damn ... sorry I missed that ... but it was a kind of expected development given the direction of the film, right? I mean, even folks who haven't read the comics (like me) should have seen that coming ... ;P
June 17, 2011 4:59 am Speaking as someone who has read maybe one or two Green Lantern stories in my entire life, I felt like it wasn't a movie that I would rave about, but it wasn't a stinker either. A part of me wonders that if I did know a whole bunch about the character from the comics then I might have been disappointed with the movie. But I don't know. There wasn't anything in the movie that I intensely disliked, but for some reason it felt kind of disjointed. I felt like there was enough here of all the different elements (Green Lantern Corps and the bigger more epic space/sci fi story, Hal Jordan's back story, etc.) for me to take in without being confused. The movie felt more like an introduction to ... something ... than a self-contained, coherent, complete, finished whole. And, yes, all the characters were interesting to me. But at one point I couldn't help thinking, "so this is what the Phantom Menace felt like to someone who had never seen a Star Wars movie before.

The Green Lantern has always seemed to me like a different kind of superhero that I just couldn't really relate to, and I guess that is why I've never read it. The movie left me feeling like I want to read more Green Lantern though. It may not have turned me into a diehard fan, but leaving a viewer/reader wanting more is a good thing, right?

Going into this film, I was feeling like it would be an apples and oranges kind of thing to compare it to THOR. The two universes are just so different, IMO. Comparison to other DC superhero films felt more appropriate. So ... here goes ...

Green Lantern vs (the first Christopher Reeves) Superman ... no brainer, Superman wins hands down ...
Green Lantern vs (the third Christopher Reeves) Superman ... also a no brainer, Green Lantern wins hands down ...
Green Lantern vs Routh Superman ... Green Lantern easily wins, but not by much ...
Green Lantern vs the two most recent Batman films ... the Batman films rocked ... no competition ...
Green Lantern vs the Schumacher Batman films ... hmm ... those Schumacher Batman films just SUCKED ...

I'll be curious to see how this movie does in terms of sales ... I don't think the Rotten Tomato rating is accurate. Out of five stars, I'd give Green Lantern 3-1/2 ... probably a four if I hadn't watched it in 3D.
June 17, 2011 1:56 am Four minutes and counting ... Mountain time ...
June 15, 2011 9:23 pm An Onion spot actually makes for brilliant free advertising, no one takes the Onion seriously but LOTS of people read it. I would not get my panties in a twist over this ... now this ...


oy ... 
June 15, 2011 6:27 pm @KenOchalek : wow ... sorry I missed the Morrison sale. I have a personal goal of catching up all his work so I can re-read his Batman and Robin run and have it actually make sense. ;) That Four Star Studios Double Feature app sounds really cool. I love stuff like that. One of my best experiences this year was getting some J. Scott Campbell ASM covers signed at Denver ComicFest and him taking the time to explain how he drew each cover. That will stick in my memory for a long time. I'd love to know how music labels compensate artists for digital sales. I've assumed that it is a per copy percentage royalty. If I know that the creators of books were earning a split of each digital sale, I'd feel better about buying them digitally. In my mind digital is more like collected trades when it comes to cost of production. The cost was expended when they produced the hard copy. Digital sales are more like residual income in my mind. I wonder if it is possible to analyze the digital vs hard copy pricing question by looking at buyers on the reader-collector spectrum. I am about 60-40/70-30 reader-collector. For me, the idea of reading my comic digitally so I can just bag and board the hard copy at home is ideal. To me, it is still worth it to own the hard copy of a quality book like Orc Stain which sells <3,000 copies a print so that my nephews can have it when I pass in another four decades or so.
June 15, 2011 6:06 pm p.s. For me, digital price point has to take into account the prices offered by online discounters like DCBS and TFAW. If I can still purchase hard copies via the internet at substantially lower prices than either in-store or digital--copies that I can physically hold AND hold on TO--then the only incentive I have to purchase on the iPad is convenience. Even with DC's wait a month for a dollar off plan, what I'm giving up is still more valuable to me than what I'm gaining.
June 15, 2011 5:24 pm @RoiVampire : I don't disagree with you. I've read comics digitally on both the iPod Touch and on an iPad. Personally, I would rate the iPad equivalent to but fundamentally different from the hard copy reading experience. There are different reasons that I like each. But I wouldn't agree that the iPod Touch is the most memorabke or pleasurable experience. To your point, I'll just simply repeat my former statement, if combined digital and hard copy sales of the new Teen Titans doesn't equal or exceed the combined sales of the previous Teen Titans and Red Robin, then it wasn't a wise move, financially speaking. But I'm assuming all other things are equal outside of those two books. There are another 50-some titles involved. I will say this, though ... I never paid for any comics that I read on my iPod Touch. I only ever downloaded free ones through the Marvel and DC apps. The reading experience on the iPod Touch just didn't compare. I HAVE paid for comics on my iPad ... both archive DVD .PDFs and in-app copies. None of those purchases were day and date releases billed at the same rate for which the hard copy sells. For me, personally, that is a hard pill.
June 15, 2011 4:03 pm Unless Teen Titans breaks 50,000+ monthly (hard copy & digital sales) then cancelling Red Robin was just silly. Red Robin has been hovering around 30,000 in monthly sales recently and Teen Titans around 25,000. Who is the target audience for Teen Titans, tweens? teens? 20-somethings? How many in those age demographics actually own iPads? I wish DC the best. Being able to hop over to Batwoman salves my sense of loss (gonna have to hang in there until #6 for Amy Reeder's art, though, judging from solicits). I just don't have any interest in this new Teen Titans book, and I'll have to take a wait and see approach with a Bruce/Batman+Damian/Robin book. At least Tomasi and Gleason are still the creators.
June 13, 2011 1:41 pm @JZga: That image is disgusting. Did those babies eat their mother? It looks all shriveled up and mishapen ... <SHUDDERS>