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Name: Christopher Hubble

Bio: Pull List: All New All Different Avengers, Black Science, Descender, East of West, Robin Son of Batman, Dr. Strange, the new Spidey book with Miles Morales (whenever it comes out). Also slowly reading back issues or collected editions of Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" saga and Kamandi.



Damian’s confrontation with Talia was a little meh, but I like where this is going.

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Wow … I don’t usually get weepy at the end of a comic book … but DAMN!

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cahubble09's Recent Comments
October 20, 2011 11:09 am This was definitely a slow burn story ... and I think folks underestimate its long-term implications for the characters involved and the Marvel universe as a whole (although I haven't read #7 yet, so don't really know how it ends).
October 20, 2011 11:07 am Couldn't agree more. There really is no point in carrying on and on and on with banal, insipid, poisonous commentary. I can't say that Fear Itself was the greatest book I ever read--but it wasn't the worst either. And it does move the Marvel universe and its characters somewhere (can't say forward). And it has been the germinating seed for some OTHER quite fantastic stories this summer and fall (read JIM in case you're wondering). This book hasn't been any better or worse than Flashpoint (and I will resist launching on the "New 52" ... aside from arguing that the best of that failed reboot was a book we've been waiting for nearly two years--AND it has utterly failed and bringing NEW readers into the industry). I find it hard to believe that the folks who can't seem to resist mentally laxating on Fear Itself comment sections don't have other books on their pull lists which they actually enjoy and about which they could find far greater satisfaction in writing laudatory comments. It truly is hilarious that so many of these folks think they have so little constructive to do with their time besides flaming on a Fear Itself comment board.
October 18, 2011 10:15 pm The last two took a few strange, unexpected turns--but in a way that enhances the story. Without giving any spoilers, you could say that #3 was a character study of Mayuko and #4 was a character study of Katashi. I enjoyed both books, but have no idea where it is going. The art work, IMO, has been wonderful. I feel like I'm getting more than my money's worth with this book.
October 18, 2011 10:09 pm @kellan: <> Now that would be cool. I can't say I've disliked the art since he left, but it just hasn't had that gritty feel to it ... it has been too cartoonish for a book like this.
October 18, 2011 10:07 pm Yes ... I definitely enjoyed this more than the main book. This was the sleeper of the summer/fall for me.
October 18, 2011 10:06 pm I wouldn't be quite so nasty. Whilce is a wonderful soul. I had the privilege of meeting him a couple years ago at a convention in Denver, and with a long line of fans he took the time to chat with every single one. He's a wonderful artist. I can't say I've enjoyed his work on this book either, but that is no reason to be snarky.
October 18, 2011 12:14 pm Really disappointed in this mini. The Speedball story has been the only one I've found interesting, and that they could have collected in a one-shot. Rarely do I feel so let down by a comic.
October 18, 2011 12:11 pm I'm enjoying this as well ... the last issue was unforgettable ... the only downside is that we all (I think) have a fairly good idea where this is going. I find it less satisfying reading a story about which I already know the ending. But that is a minor quibble about which Ennis has little control.
October 18, 2011 12:09 pm Speaking as someone who tuned into watch the Six Million Dollar Man every week as a child, I'm finding it difficult to be interested in this ... maybe it was those cheap, spin-off films they did in the eighties and nineties that makes this concept seem so banal.
October 18, 2011 12:07 pm interesting ... yes ... interesting ... can I proofread any better?