
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
December 9, 2011 4:02 pm stetetwo: have you tried reading Watchmen again? Not sure how many times I've read it but everytime I get something knew. Especially if you listen to how it was made and how collaborative Gibbons and Moore where. When you look at scenes like Dan make Laurie coffee every panel has a visual representation of the words she is saying and it is astounding. Dan Dreiberg's essay on owls in sheer genius. I don't want to write a gushing essay over Watchmen (which I could) but argue that he really understands how to push the medium not only in stories but also how to raise the bar in terms of what can be discussed and how. Read Promethea. His place is deserved.
December 9, 2011 3:58 pm And as much as he riles people up he understands the craft of writing. When Neil Gaiman describes you as a living genius chances are you may well be.
December 9, 2011 12:51 pm Normally I really like Ha but the work here looks really jarring. The poses look, poses. Stiff and without real fluidity which is a shame. Its something I've noticed now and then in his work but this is the first time I remember it being a real problem. Hopefully the fully rendered finals and a good story will make me not notice so much.
December 8, 2011 10:05 am lol very nice. Must say he seemed less than impressed with it in Supergods
November 29, 2011 3:28 pm Also this book has finally made Mr. Sinister look and act how he always did in my mind but never quite did on the page
November 29, 2011 3:27 pm I saw the title of this and out loud (and not alone) I just said 'yes please.' Sometimes I like my X-men to feel like that real world, political climate, prejudice stories (Morrison did that really well). Other times I like them to be clear superheroes (Cassaday in recent years) other times they work best as struggling students (Academy X, Wolverine and the X-men and of course the original team). But the surprising constant through all of that? Aliens. Awesome, awesome aliens.
November 29, 2011 12:33 pm Big Bertha was a member of the Great Lakes Avengers
November 29, 2011 12:13 pm Considering it was directed by Kenneth Branagh I was amazed that he didn't call on his old pal and Branagh movie alumni Brian Blessed to play Volstagg. There has never been a better or bigger fit for a character. I kinda wanted Kenneth to cast himself as Odin to but Anthony Hopkins was great so fair enough. Nice to see Marvel paving the way for fat dudes from the start. Kinda a shame they are mainly evil
November 23, 2011 6:02 pm Another really interesting topic and its awesome to hear people not be snobby and to hear people actually say: "If I don't like the art I don't buy it." And accept its a visual medium and not be snobby and say "You need to learn to appreciate it." I often find some people think that an emotional reaction is silly but that's the whole point of comics really. Its that balance and if art and story don't affect you personal it just wont work for you. Conversely I really like Greg Land and I truly detest Steve Dillon and I cannot buy books by him. I just can't deal with it. And I love the pose-y ness art of Alex Ross. It feels like fine art and I like that being bought to comics. But only when he does it as it feels like he is doing it on purpose. Other people feel like they are trying to hard to be clever.
November 23, 2011 5:48 pm Also, one more thing, read Dan Dreiberg's article about owls in Watchmen. This kind of covers it while at the same time being very self referential to Watchmen. Its perhaps one of my favourite things about the book and discusses the effects of over analysis on beauty and thus you can apply the study of a creator to that whole world of artistic research