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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
January 9, 2012 2:01 pm I haven't read #1 yet, but I've been meaning to. What exactly does if have to do with Joy Division? Being a huge fan it makes me even more curious about trying this out.
December 29, 2011 2:32 pm It indeed takes a certain type to pull off Power Girl. And boy, do I love that certain type! Really all of these are good...
December 23, 2011 7:49 pm Cheers, good sir, for your year-round efforts and this article!
December 16, 2011 2:22 pm Everything you said is the straight up truth. Seriously DC... I want to give you my money, why make it so difficult?
December 7, 2011 2:15 pm I'll always have Power Girl love. So far I've only read the first trade of The Sixth Gun; I really liked it. Looking forward to picking up the second soon. American Vampire has been on my want-to-read list for a while. Daytripper was one of my most favorite things I've read all year in any genre. It's brilliant. p.s. the LOTR extended editions are excruciating. you couldn't pay me to rewatch them.
December 2, 2011 9:01 pm This rant is awesome!! Creepy and overzealous comic book fans kind of make me embarrassed to be a fan myself at times. I openly admit to my social awkwardness in meeting creators, writers, musicians, or anyone whose art I admire. But 'remember these people are not your friends' is a great piece of advice to follow. The best compliment you can give these people is a quick... I really loved your work on so and so; wish them good luck and continued success. Something as simple as that can show that you are not "creepy," and may provoke them to start a conversation with you. Respect and non-creepiness go a long way in life.
November 28, 2011 7:09 pm Most drama's these days have soap opera elements in them. I think it's part of how all scripted shows have become so serialized.
November 28, 2011 10:44 am Awesome way to end mid-season. I think Shane is one of the best characters on the show. He's more of an antihero. Much like Jason Todd/Red Hood in the current Batman world. I sure hope he continues on this path in the show. He adds a lot of the tension that drives the series. Great episode overall.
November 22, 2011 4:18 pm Read 52 or Geoff Johns' run on Booster. There is no doubt this character has enough complexities and angles to hold a show.
November 22, 2011 2:19 pm From the moment I first opened up Mystery Society, Staples instantly became one of my favorite artists. And I'm talking top 2 or 3 type favorite. Her stuff is amazing.