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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
July 23, 2012 9:37 am If Warner Bros had any brains they would put a Gothem Central series into development this morning.
July 20, 2012 2:09 pm @jesse that's the way to think!
July 20, 2012 11:45 am Horrible news to wake up to; especially after being at a midnight screening myself. Kinda makes your enjoyment/excitement over a film seem very petty. It's sureal in a way.
July 20, 2012 11:40 am Seriously, saying that someone in a theater of superhero fans should have rushed the gunner, is about as assbackward thinking as saying that the gunner was influenced by violence in movies or comic books.
July 20, 2012 4:29 am Great film. Great ending of the trilogy. Not as good as part 2, but I don't think they were trying. They went bigger to close it out and it worked perfectly. Of course all the "twists" could be seen from a mile away. Especially if you're versed in Batman mythology. But the ride to get there kept you wondering throughout.
July 16, 2012 12:26 pm With ticket prices rising every year, I don’t think wrapping up the same origin story in shiny new paper is going to get movie goers (forget comicbook fans) excited or into the theater. It was a good movie, but nothing that I would recommend. In fact my response has been, take your money and go see an excellent film like Moonrise Kingdom, or save it for Dark Knight in a couple weeks. Hopefully, DC will learn from this when rebooting Batman and Green Lantern if that’s the road they are going. At this point we’ve seen the origin before. Forget that and just give us a fresh idea that will get people excited.
July 15, 2012 9:57 am Love the current CREPPY series, and the horror anthology format. Glad to see something like getting done.
July 15, 2012 9:52 am As far as current readers go, I think the pro-Stephanie crowd is the majority now.
July 11, 2012 10:44 am The current Hellraiser series is great. I recommend it to anyone that had interest in the films (as stated in the interview it's in direct continuity with the first two movies) or interest in horror comics in general. There should be more of us! I also liked WITCH DOCTOR so I'm looking forward to this new run.
July 8, 2012 3:33 pm Great performances in a fair movie. When Webb was announced as director I really thought this would be a character/relationship driven film, but none of the relationships where really fleshed out well at all. Emma Stone is one of the best young actresses in Hollywood today, and she was severely underused. And when it came down to it, I don't think I wanted to see anotherParker/Spidey origin story. Seeing Peter get bullied again, get bit by the spider again, then Uncle Ben getting shot again-- all I could think of was how refreshing it would have been to see a Miles Morales/Spidey origin story on the big screen. Overall, the movie was entertaining. But nothing I would recommend or desire to see again.