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Name: Doug Robson


VintageDougers's Recent Comments
May 2, 2012 1:43 pm Wow... That's all I can say is wow. That has to be one of the worst examples of humanity I've ever seen, you should be ashamed of yourself. My sympathy goes out to the family of the person who lost their life in this tragic accident, as well as to the family of Zhurrie for being related to such a calous unfeeling human being.
March 28, 2012 1:09 pm So, since the Ellis run is the third book in the collection, would you recommend reading the first two for any reason? I know you said there's no continuity to worry about, but didn't know if the first two were any good in general.
March 7, 2012 12:52 pm OMG, I cannot WAIT for Tyrese and Michonne. They better not find some way to not include either of them in the TV show, that will be a deal breaker for me.
March 7, 2012 12:47 pm I've been reading this in trade, and couldn't be happier about it. Stop being so self righteous... "It's fans like me that made this show possible". Who are you? Oh, wait, I don't give a sh*t who you are, that's right. That being said, I thought that Dale dying was probably the best part of this episode. He did nothing by get on my nerves the entire episode. "If we kill him then who are we?" People trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, that's who. It's survival of the fittest, just like Dale said, and he just couldn't deal with that. Therefore, he didn't survive.
January 25, 2012 1:45 pm Being a beer fanatic, as well as a comic fan, this article is fantastic! It's awesome that it's so informative, as well as fun and theoretical. I like the line of thinking that Logan has to drink the heavier beers in order to get any kind of buzz from them, that seems to make sense to me. I don't think that Logan would care (or admit to care) that a beer is bitter. As far as Cyclops goes, I agree, that man has to drink....or do drugs....or something. If my significant other died as often as his has, I'd be a drunken hobo on a street corner somewhere.
July 25, 2011 1:56 pm This is the description from X-Men Schism #1 http://www.ifanboy.com/comics/marvel_comics/iMAY110675/x-men_schism/1_(of_5)

I'm just starting to get back into comics, not having read much in the past 15 years or so.  I got The Walking Dead hard cover books for this past xmas and have caught up on that, and have also read the entire Preacher line, which was fantastic.  This is what's gotten be back into comics.

I'm enjoying Schism so far, and am also reading Ultimate Fallout.  The Marvel comics universe has changed quite a bit since I last read any comics.  Also, now that I've matured past my days of "I'm a Marvel fanboy, screw DC", I'm really excited for the new 52 coming up.  I really want to get into some Batman and Green Lantern, and eventually some of the more obscure stuff.