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Name: Thomas Williford


TommyDivine's Recent Comments
December 22, 2010 6:32 am This is my #1 book. The weeks it comes out, 99% of the time it's my POTW. I started picking this up from the beginnig, on a whim, having never read anything of Winick's before and I'm so happy that I did. Such a great series.
December 3, 2010 6:18 am This book, for the most part, has been fairly solid (minus the Hawks stuff and a few slow issues), and it was really starting to pick up last issue, with the Deadman story and the last panel of Batman wanting to talk about Max Lord with some unknown person, but this issue was a pretty big let down to me, especially since ive been digging the Manhunter story. Lack luster story, and art that i could absolute not stand. 2 1/2 stars.