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Name: Ross Harrison

Bio: I am a Scot living in South Africa. The New52 started me reading comics after years of casual interest. I began (as I am sure most people do) with what I know and am comfortable with but I am trying hard to explore and expand my horizons. Also, my weather is great and I get my comics before the US does :)


Ross's Recent Comments
March 20, 2012 2:24 pm My top title and the comic I look forward to most. Keep up the good work!
March 20, 2012 2:20 pm I dropped this at the end of the arc. I wanted to like it... and, I did! Just not enough.
February 13, 2012 12:45 pm As a New Reader: I am looking forward to iFanboy's DC Histories explanation of Earth 2.
February 6, 2012 11:15 am I am also one of the mythical new readers. I started buying comics regularly for the first time after the DC relaunch. Like the other two in this thread, I am buying 5 -10 a week from my local brick and mortar store. I also buy digital when there are specials or when something I really want to read is not available locally. (Big tip for digital sales: giving me a whole story arc or pointing out a good jumping on point make me MUCH more likely to buy). I would not be reading comics if it was not for the New52. I thought of comics with huge numbers (think Spider-man #6xx) as inaccessible or too intimidating to get into. This may well have been incorrect but making it easy for me (through a relaunch) was the clincher in getting me involved. Marvel and other publisher have benefited from this too: I got into the store and started with Incredible Hulk, Avenging Spider-man and Daredevil as a direct result of being there and seeing the physical comics on the shelves. I am not sure if this post is interesting but it is over now :)