Ron's Recent Comments
May 1, 2012 2:01 pm Thanks everyone for the kind words and support.
May 1, 2012 1:59 pm It's going to be super social - there will be programming that you can sit in and watch by yourself and there will be opportunities to mix and chat and meet new people. As far as breaking the shyness - we've got some ideas - we definitely want everyone to have a good time, however they define that
May 1, 2012 1:57 pm thank you sir - others may disagree with you though ;)
April 23, 2012 5:16 pm There's a little Amazon box that loads underneath that line - but if it's not loading for you for some reason, here's the link:
April 12, 2012 3:43 pm Yes, he's referring to the misinterpreted reactions to our announcement at Graphicly last week.
April 11, 2012 3:05 pm It opens on May 4th. I imagine this is the first of many premieres around the world
April 8, 2012 5:34 pm to echo and add to Paul's comments: - Graphicly is our parent company, and we have and will continue to promote them as such. We have 3 spots for ads in our show. Sometimes we only have 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes we have all 3. We don't want to have more than 3 spots becuase for an hour's show, we feel that's enough. There is no "dropping" going on - rather just managing of inventory - As Paul mentioned, this is the annual Staff show - we had this planned for weeks, regardless of the book picked or our advertisers etc. - For what it's worth, I thought AvX #1 was ok. I didn't read my books yet this week (I've been moving house) so I can't comment as to what my pick would have been. - In regards to your comment below about Graphicly and iFanboy - I assure you your comments are about as far off as they can get. But Paul is correct, this is not the place to discuss that - but trust me, everything is good in Graphicly/iFanboy land. - And finally, to address in advance to comment that I know will be made by people: Yes Marvel sponsored this episode and have been advertising AvX here on iFanboy. Yes, Conor picked AvX #1 as his pick of the week. The two are not mutually exclusive or related. There is a VERY LARGE WALL between Editorial and Advertising. That's how we are able to keep iFanboy free to you to enjoy. We take our editorial integrity very seriously and no advertiser can "buy" any editorial coverage. We only make a book Pick of the Week on it's creative merits. If you choose not to believe that, then I don't know what to tell you. We all should be flattered that Marvel identifies iFanboy as a site worth advertising to. It's a compliment for us for the work we've done over the past 10 years to bring iFanboy to what it is and it's a compliment to you, the users, that Marvel sees value in advertising to you. That said, I'm going back to unpacking and enjoying Easter. oh, one more thing... Patrick?
March 28, 2012 8:48 pm but now we'll be able to tell who's who by their number :)
March 19, 2012 7:38 pm thanks - fixed it :) I've heard great things about Timecrimes
March 18, 2012 10:40 pm I TIMED IT! 80 to 81 ALL THE WAY - it's faster and better