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Name: Rishard Chapoteau



I decided to wait on reading my Flashpoint books until book 5 came out so I could read all of…

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This review only needs 4 words “He took my legs”

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July 28, 2011 3:29 pm This guy outranks Captain America and he's just as much of a character.  http://img.xcitefun.net/users/2011/02/231825,xcitefun-colonel-gaddafi-1.jpg
July 25, 2011 6:19 pm Is this based on the failed nbc show?
July 25, 2011 7:20 am Personally this movie was a 5/5 for me.  It was the perfect summer movie thats on par with Iron Man 1.  
July 25, 2011 7:18 am Another event . . . I've had event burnout from Marvel for years now.  I haven't bought many marvel titles since the Skrull war (Its been so long I forgot what that event was called).  I know it works well for them and it makes them sales, but its not for me.  I can't bring myself to care about the Marvel universe when its constantly in an event going a million miles a minute.   I wish they would just slow down for a year and have character development in the characters own book that has to do with that character, and not with everyone else.  

The marvel universe must be a horribly scary place to live.  We had 9/11 almost 10 years ago and that was pretty bad, but this universe has something way worse happen every few months.  Why would anyone live in a major city???  They should make a book that deals more with the mindset of normal people living in that fucked up place.
July 2, 2011 11:17 pm Good article, but ther eis one thing I kind of disagree with.  I am pro reboot for DC.  I think its a good idea.  The thing I disagree with is the idea that you can make your own continuity.  I wish I could. It just doesn't work that way, unless I stop reading the book that disagrees with my continuity . . . which is what I did, and why I don't read many DC books at the moment.  

Everytime they retcon a story idea that I enjoyed it gets hard for me to get behind whatever they have done.  I have one idea in my head, and whats on the page just doesn't support it, which equals a loss of sale from me.

Its kind of like in Inception where they had to properly implant ideas in your head.  If they did it wrong, you would never accept it.  Most retcons just never feel right.  

I'm hoping this reboot feels right. 
July 2, 2011 10:57 pm I gotta say, I was shocked that I wound up liking this movie.  I didn't just like it, I REALLY liked it.  The first one I disliked, and the second one I downright hated.  This wound up being a good fun film.  It did have some problems, but I completely forgave them.  I saw it in 3D, and I didn't really think it added much personally, but its hard to say since I haven't seen the 2D version.
June 25, 2011 7:24 pm Some of that art looks cool.  Some of it . . . not so much.  I'll probably jump in for Waid's story though.
June 23, 2011 9:51 am I would have found it odd if u guys didn't do a podcast on this topic.  its just too big not to.
June 22, 2011 5:45 pm That variant gave me gooebumps!  WOW!  
June 22, 2011 5:43 pm I'm not even sure I saw this on my store shelf this week!  I might have to go and buy this digitally.  Or I might wait for a collection.